Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Righteous Indignation

Whisper of God
When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came powerfully upon him, and he burned with anger.
1 Samuel 11:6

Some of the Jews living in Jabesh Gilead were being oppressed by the Ammonites. They requested a treaty but were told that peace would be granted only on one condition. The right eye of every man would have to be gouged out to humiliate all of Israel.
It is worth noting that this effectively makes such a man a blind warrior. If he is right handed he would hold a shield in his left hand and fight with the javelin or spear in his right. The shield would cover his left eye leaving him defenseless against an attack.
Rather than accept the request they asked for time to send word through out Israel to see if anyone would come to their aid. If no one responded then the Ammonites could do as they pleased with them.
When Saul heard these words he did not just become angry. The Spirit of God came upon him causing him to burn with anger, or as we might say today to have a righteous indignation. Saul's anger motivated him to bring all the men from through out Israel to come to the aid of their brothers in Jabesh Gilead. As a result a great victory was won and the kingship was established firmly for Saul.

Real Life Application
What will make me angry to be moved upon by God to act and defend those being per sued not by a physical enemy but by principalities and powers that are not flesh and blood? I need to commit time to pray for revival that they eyes of the spiritually blind will be opened to the light of the gospel.

Day's Prayer
Lord Jesus forgive me for my apathy. Like your disciples in the garden I fail to wait in prayer for even an hour. My spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Strengthen me by Your Spirit. Give me an anger that motivates me to action to stand against the deception of the enemy that people will be set free from Satan's oppression. Help me answer Your call to battle, Your call to prayer.

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