Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seize the Day

Whisper of God -
The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah,the Son of God.
Mark 1:1 NIV

Observation - 
Mark begins by looking back. Hundreds of years earlier the prophet Isaiah spoke of what would happen. A messenger would be sent to prepare the way ahead of God's Anointed One - the Messiah.
Suddenly John the Baptist appears in the wilderness preaching a message of repentance because the Kingdom of God was near. People were baptized in the Jordan. But John told these folks not to look to him as the one God had promised. His message was clear. John baptized with water, but one was coming after him that was far greater, He would baptize with the Holy Spirit.
Mark calls these events the beginning of the good news or gospel of Jesus Christ - the Anointed One, God's promised Messiah. From eternity past God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit planned what must take place to accomplish the good news of salvation. Each One agreed to their role and waited for the time to put the plan in action.
Mark says this is the beginning. Mark never says that the time came when the good news came to an end. Search the bible from Genesis to Revelation and no expiration date will be found. What Mark describes as beginning has no end. That's really good news!

Real Life Application - 
What will I do today to share the good news of Jesus that continues without end? Seize the day!

Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus, I praise you for the good news you have given that is without end. Your love and mercy have no expiration date. You have given to me eternal life - not something I hope to have when I die, but something I have today because Your Spirit lives in me.
Holy Spirit empower me today to share this incredible news. Direct my steps and give me eyes to see those who have no hope but need to hear of the good news that has no end. Let's seize the day together.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Defense

Whisper of God -
 "Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense.”

(Acts 22:1 NIV)

Observation -
Paul has come to Jerusalem, and as expected the Jews there opposed him. He was arrested, falsely accused, beaten and would have been killed if the Roman guard had not intervened. The city was in an uproar rioting because of Paul.
In the midst of this Paul has the opportunity to give his defense. An angry crowd listens as he tells how Christ apprehended him on his way to Damascus.

Real Life Application -

I fit in with the world too much because the only people who get mad at me are other Christians; is this good?

Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus, above all else I want to please You in how I live my life. I'm not looking for a fight, but I do want a watching world to know that I am different. And I don't just want to be a people pleaser either, so give me wisdom to follow You even when some people just don't understand. And I don't want to be a Christian who is easily offended like the religious folks of Paul's day. Make my defense simple: I just want to make You smile.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Whisper of God -
 “‘You must keep the Israelites separate from things that make them unclean, so they will not die in their uncleanness for defiling my dwelling place,[b] which is among them.’”
(Leviticus 15:31 NIV)

Observation -
Throughout the book of Leviticus God establishes laws which we give little or no thought to. Some of this is because the sacrificial requirements to be cleansed of sin in God's sight no longer apply. Jesus has been offered one and for all as the final sacrifice for sin. We are forgiven because His blood was poured out for us at the cross.
Yet there is still much we can learn that does apply to how we live our lives today. For instance we may read over passages like Leviticus 15 and think little more than God protecting His people from disease. All these rules about being made unclean if you touch someone with a bodily discharge, or anything they may have touched, or the bed they have slept on don't seem that important to me.
But wait I think there is more too it than what we see at first glance. It isn't just about bodily fluids or a woman's monthly period. I mean how am I supposed to know if a man had a bodily discharge and just got up from the chair I'm now sitting in?
Instead I believe God wants us to see just how contagious sin can be. Sin can hide in unseen places in our lives. No one else may know what we have done. But if we don't deal with even the hidden sin in our lives it will be like a contagious disease that spreads out infecting everyone I come in contact with.

Real Life Application -
Only I can respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to repent of my sin; may I not hesitate, but come clean quickly so I am not contagious.

Day's Prayer -
Lord I don't want to be contagious with sin. I don't want to brush aside what others might think is no big deal. Regardless of what others may think sin is like a virus that will not only affect me, but it will seek to infect those I love. Give me ears to hear and a heart that is quick to respond to your voice. Keep me Lord from evil; I don't want to be contagious.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Comfort Zones

Whisper of God -
Every day he went out on the streets and talked with anyone who happened along.
(Acts 17:17 MsgB)

Observation -
Paul found himself in Athens, the intellectual center of the world. He was angered by what he saw - temples, shrines, idols and the pagan worship that went along with it. But Paul did not vent his anger at the people of Athens. Instead he saw them for as they really were - lost and unaware of God's love. The Holy Spirit compelled him to begin to talk with the people of the city. He did not ignore them or ridicule them. Instead he got to know them so in turn he could introduce them to Jesus. In time Paul had the opportunity to share publicly and made reference to the shrine for the unknown god. That which was worshipped as unknown, Paul now made known. And it all started with conversations along the street.

Real Life Application -
I cannot hide myself in an office or my introverted self, but need to allow the Holy Spirit to help me get beyond the walls that confine me to talk with people in my ordinary day to day life.

Day's Prayer -
Lord you made me as I am. You know I'm comfortable to spend time alone. But you have also filled me with your Holy Spirit to empower me, to help me break out of my comfort zone and interact with people you love. Help me to see people as you see them. Help me to move beyond my walls and get to know them. And like Paul, help me to seize the opportunity to introduce them to the God they do not know.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Whisper of God -
Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead.
(Acts 14:19 NIV)

Observation -
Paul and Barnabas had preached in Iconium but the city was divided. Some believed (both Jew and Greek) but there were some among the Jews that began to stir up trouble. Things became so heated that the two missionaries left the city before they were stoned.
In Lystra a man born lame was miraculously healed as Paul spoke. This got everyone's attention, but unfortunately they thought their gods had visited them in human form. They though Barnabas was Zeus and Paul was Hermes. The crowd wanted to offer sacrifices, and Paul and Barnabas had great difficulty convincing them they were ordinary men like them.
That's when a group of the Jews from Antioch and Iconium showed up. They further stirred up the crowd so that they took Paul and stoned him.
The mob actually thought he was dead and dragged him out of the city. A group of believers gathered around Paul who revived himself and they all went back into the city. The next day they left for Derbe.

Real Life Application -
I must not try anything in my own strength lest I give way to fear; instead I must rely fully upon the power of God's Spirit in everything.

Day's Prayer - 
Human energy produced human results, but with the power of God's Spirit anything is possible! I thank you Lord that you have filled me with your Spirit. Help me to daily depend upon you for wisdom and strength. Only then will great things happen in and through me.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Bloody Mess

Whisper of God -
Lay your hand on the head of the Whole-Burnt-Offering so that it may be accepted on your behalf to make atonement for you. Slaughter the bull in God's presence. Aaron's sons, the priests, will make an offering of the blood by splashing it against all sides of the Altar that stands at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

(Leviticus 1:4-5 MsgB)

Observation -
In Exodus God showed Moses how the altar was to be made. It was overlaid with bronze which like gold could be finely polished, but bronze would be far more durable than gold to withstand the fire that would burn on the altar.
In the opening three chapters of Leviticus God is now giving Moses instructions about various offerings that would be burnt upon the altar. The sins of the people would be paid for with the sacrifice of an animal; the blood made atonement for their sin. Yet the priest was to do something specific with the blood. The blood was to be splashed on all four sides of the altar.
The price of forgiveness could not be ignored. The beauty of the polished bronze was a sharp contrast to the bloody mess that would be continually splashed onto the altar.

Real Life Application -
I must not forget the bloody mess made on the altar of the cross through which the blood of Jesus paid the price for my sins.

Day's Prayer -
Jesus I don't want to be guilty of sanitizing the cross. We have turned it into beautiful pieces of jewelry. Help me to always see the contrast between the beauty and the blood. Thank you for the bloody mess you freely offered once and for all.

Friday, February 03, 2012


Whisper of God -
Peter went down and said to the men, "I think I'm the man you're looking for. What's up?"

(Acts 10:21 MsgB)

Observation -
God was up to something BIG. He was about to include people from all nations in the plan of salvation. It was not a gift limited to only the Jews but was for everyone.
God prepared Peter, a Jew that grew up observing the law and was like other Jew prejudice. Yet God showed Peter that He did not make such distinctions in an unusual way. In a vision of animals Jews considered unclean, God told Peter to kill and eat. This happened three times.
When messengers from Cornelius' house arrived as Peter was trying to figure out the meaning of the vision it all became clear. So the next morning Peter, together with other Jewish yet Christian companions returned with these messengers to Cornelius. 
After they arrived Peter shared the gospel with them. Then God did the unthinkable right before these Jewish believers eyes and ears. God baptized these non-Jew Gentiles with the Holy Spirit. Peter and his friends heard them all praising God and speaking in tongues just as they themselves had done at Pentecost.

Real Life Application -
God love people who are different from me, so I must not let prejudice prevent me from letting God do something big in their lives.

Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus, help me to not look at people with my own eyes and especially my personal perception and bias. Give me eyes to see people as you do, to know what's up. We are all the same. Sinners in need of salvation. Use me to do something big.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Whisper of God - 
When the people realized that Moses was taking forever in coming down off the mountain, they rallied around Aaron and said, "Do something. Make gods for us who will lead us. That Moses, the man who got us out of Egypt—who knows what's happened to him?"

(Exodus 32:1 MsgB)

Observation - 
Moses had gone up onto Mt. Sinai on behalf of the people of Israel. There God showed him the plans for the Tabernacle and much more. All this took time and the people became impatient waiting for Moses to return from the mountain. As a result they asks Aaron to make the a god to follow because they didn't know what had become of Moses. Aaron made a golden calf and the people worshiped and celebrated a false god even though they knew the commandments that God had spoken to them just a short time before.

Real Life Application -
As I face the uncertainties before me I sometimes fell like God is absent and become impatient looking for what I see is the answer.

Day's Prayer -
Lord forgive me for not trusting you completely. Help me to not rush ahead of your perfect timing by trying to figure things out on my own. Your ways are not my ways, therefore continue to give me ears to clearly hear the voice of your Holy Spirit. You will show the way and answer each prayer as I simply wait in hope on you.