Friday, December 23, 2011

Seeing Heaven

Whisper of God
- "At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne." (Revelation 4:2)

Observation - John says it happened "at once." In the preceding verse he says that it was "after these things." How often do we want to be caught up "in the Spirit" like John? We want to be mature and spiritual, and if you will, look into heaven itself. Catching a glimpse of heaven; now that's beyond my wildest imagination.

Yet for all of our hyped up spirituality, do we take the time to notice what preceeded John's "at once?" Chapters 2 and 3 are the letters to the Seven Churches. The dominate theme of these letters are the words of Jesus, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." If there is just one word Jesus wants these churches to hear it is to REPENT. That's a word many Christians don't want to hear. Yet if I want to see heaven, then I must first humble myself and hear the loving rebuke of my Savior.

Real Life - I need to be aware of the times I "turn left" when the Spirit has not told me to go that way, and hear His call to repent and get back on the right path.

Day's Prayer - Lord forgive me for being hard of hearing and going off in my own direction. Help me to have an ear to hear, and then to see what You would reveal by Your Spirit as I have responded in obedience to Your voice."

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Contender

I thought of "Rocky" this morning training to fight Apollo Creed. When that first fight was over both fighters could hardly stand up. Yes, Rock does eventually go on to win the championship, but even then he is beat up pretty good. Why? Boxers have to fight in his own strength and take all the punches.

Jude encourages us to be contenders too. Out of necessity he urges us, "to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" (vs.3).

Jude does not pull any punches. He tells us plainly this is not just another sparing match. We are contenders, like Rocky, underdogs engaged in the fight of our lives! Our adversary the devil is strong, so strong that even the archangel Michael did not go into the ring against him alone but relied completely upon the Lord.

Who will we have in our corner? Will we rely upon our own strength and wisdom, or will we have the God standing with us? Jude encourages us to not go it alone. He says if we want to be a real contender, then constantly be "building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God" (vs. 20-21).

Here's the best part. If we follow Jude's advice and have The Lord in our corner we can't lose! Jesus will "keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy" (vs. 24)!

The fight is on, but Jesus is in my corner taking me from contender to champion without a scratch!