Each of us has faced our own unique situations that more than toppled our proverbial apple cart. The death of a loved one, a prolonged illness, the loss of a job, an accident or burglary, a natural disaster: these are but a handful of events that can strike suddenly in any of our lives. And while the routine of life may return to normal, our hearts can carry the pain of loss for months and even years.
The psalmist knew what it was to sing the blues. “As the deer pants for steams of water so my soul pants for you, O God . . . My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?’” (Psalm 42: 1, 3 NIV). Have you been there, feeling forsaken even by God?
Grief lingers. Depression can overwhelm us and transform a “normal” day into the deepest of sorrow. While the intensity may vary, we all know what it is like to be lost in regret. What are we to do when “abnormal” emotional pain becomes “normal?”
- Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
Psalms 42:5 NIV
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and live a new “normal” of sorrow. The palmist pushes past singing the blues to purposefully sing God’s praise. We can choose to linger in the mire of self pity or we can look up. Put your hope in God! Come to Jesus, our Good Shepherd, and let Him mend your broken heart. He will bring you into green pastures and lead you along quiet waters. Jesus will restore your soul. He will walk with you even through the dark shadows of Death Valley. Out of His abundant storehouse our Shepherd will provide for us.
All who hope in God will never be hopeless. What do you think?
Saluti dall'Italia!
I feel bad, because I feel I am the only one with the opinions around here! But...my comment is...this AMEN! and again AMEN. and if you cannot find your way,feeling utterly forsaken by God, it helps ALOT to have the support of a caring Pastor or the love of the Church to bring you through the storm to security you felt, once again with the Lord. There is so much to be said for fellowship to help get you through the difficult times. As believers we not only need the Word, but the love of the Lord, is manifest through the love shown us by other believers....AND THAT gives us strength through terrible times when God can feel so distant.
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