Monday, October 01, 2007


A lifetime ago I took a required art appreciation course. I passed the class, but I’m not sure if I acquired an appreciation for art. Don’t misunderstand, I enjoy artwork. I just can’t tell the difference between the nock-off reproduction and the original masterpiece hanging on museum walls. While I see little or no differences, the art enthusiast will notice not only the obvious differences (like “Reproduction from China” stamped in the corner), to even the subtle differences of brush strokes and the various hues of color that are out of place.

I wonder if we have an appreciation for God’s masterpiece. All of us enjoy the painted colors of the sunset and the way God transforms the trees from greens to yellows, orange and red. These and other wonders of God’s creation are works of art that no painter can reproduce or even the best camera capture the fullness of what God created. But above all the marvelous beauty that fills creation one stands out far above all others.

  • For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
    Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Our appreciation for the masterpiece which God has made in our lives should grow with each passing day. I’m not talking about thankfulness for what God has done. While our gratitude should continue to overflow, we should also develop an appreciation of God’s workmanship in our lives by which we can discern the subtle differences between God’s handiwork and human effort.

It’s not just paintings and other artwork that are being reproduced en mass. Many so-called Christians are trying to make themselves what only God can create. Can we tell the difference between good works marked with the finger of God and human effort? Can we see the subtle difference between the overflow of God’s love and a duty or obligation done simply to look good in the eyes of others?

The work God begins in our lives only He can complete. When we take the brush in our hands we ruin God’s masterpiece. Can we tell the difference, or have we accepted the cheep nock-off reproduction? What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your ponderings....I think many Christians have their own agendas going with regards to good works. Unfortunately, they are the ones most recognized, because THEY WANT the recognition....the Mother Teresa's of the world do long suffering good works for years before their sacrifices are ever even known because that is how they prefer it.