It won’t be long and another large machine will be needed on area roadways designed for a specific purpose. The snowplow will be clearing the way for us to travel. But magine with me that we wake up one morning to discover that the road in front of our house is covered, not with freshly fallen snow, but with an abundance of grain ready to harvest. Snowplows won’t do. We will be looking for the combine to not only clear the roadway, but to reap the harvest as well. Sound farfetched? Don’t forget that nothing is impossible with God.
- You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.
Psalms 65:11 NLT
The psalmist thanked God for the abundance of His provision. Not only were the fields overflowing but the harvest was so great that it even abounded on the hard pathways. Talk about a bumper crop! God gave a harvest where none was expected.
Perhaps you are traveling a hard path today. Circumstances seem overwhelming. Humanly speaking nothing good can come from the place you are at. I’ve got good news for you. God does not share our limitations. He can, and will bring good out of anything regardless of how hard the road may be that we travel. Check and see if Romans 8:28 is still in your bible.
Why was the harvest abundant even along the hard pathways? It wasn’t just good luck, nor was it simply an act of God. Rather it was God’s response to prayer.
- You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior.
Psalms 65:5 NLT
God will not ignore a heart cry of faith. His blessing and provision comes to those who earnestly seek Him. Parched, dry and barren is the soul that has no time for prayer. But those who pray will, like Elijah, find God’s provision of rain upon a dry and thirsty ground. Fertilize your hard road with prayer. Gain confidence to face each day by time spent with Jesus. He will awaken you to an abundant harvest—even on your hard road. What do you think?
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