Thursday, October 25, 2007


The coal burner has been lit. The Owens family will keep this fire going to heat their home. It provides warmth on the coldest of days, and if it gets to hot you just open the windows. I, on the other hand, have resisted the pleas of family members to simply turn on our furnace. I’ll put on a sweater or wear a jacket, but to turn on the furnace is the final surrender to the inevitable change of seasons.
  • You laid out the four corners of earth,
    shaped the seasons of summer and winter.
    Psalms 74:17 MsgB

Nothing happens by accident. God established the seasons; it is by His design that the year is divided into winter, spring, summer and fall.

As the days continue to grow shorter, it won’t be long until the snow begins to fall and the cold winds cut like a knife. These are reminders that God keeps his covenant with the day and night. As surely as God has fixed the seasons and the length of each the day, so too has God established the covenant that He has made with you through Jesus Christ.

As we look at the world around us it is easy to find people who are experiencing a winter season of the soul. Just as the bitter cold of the winter season is by no means comfortable, the hardships of life chill our souls. Unexpected tragedy can hit us as suddenly as a fall on the ice.

I can think of many who are going through such a winter season of the soul. Let me encourage you to find comfort in the knowledge that God controls the seasons. Unlike the White Witch who ruled Narnia with an endless winter, God always sends springtime and summer.

Beyond our sure hope of a brighter tomorrow we have the assurance that Jesus is with us even in the midst of the coldest of days. He has made a covenant with you, sealed with His blood, to never leave you nor forsake you. God will strengthen even the feeblest of heart whose hope is in Him. His Spirit within you will sustain you through the darkest night.

How cheerful the glow of a fire on a winter day. He is our source of warmth and comfort in times of trouble. Come to the Jesus and let Him renew your peace; find joy in the Lord. Wrap yourself secure in His promises. Finding hope in Lord is even better than sitting next to the coal burner on a cold winter day. What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course you are right Pastor G...the Lord is better than a fire on a cold winter night....but, I don't think He'd mind if He knew I wanted BOTH! To me there is nothing quite as close to heaven as sitting snug, curled up in front of the fireplace with logs crackling, reading my bible and communing with the Lord while snow piles up outside, and temperatures plummet. And I become so grateful for all the blessings the Lord has given me, and so contemplative on how I can use those blessings to help others, it is the perfect package to me, and it is all wrapped up and sealed by the hand of God. There is something special about winter, as it slows us down enough, to give us time to ponder more on the blessings of the Lord and spend more time in His Word and less time in the World.