Saturday, August 04, 2007

“This is Unacceptable!”

Through the years Susie has been both mom and teacher for our kids. Homeschooling presents its own unique challenges. One of those is getting the kids not just to complete a lesson, but to do it with excellence. Like a lot of kids, ours have from time to time wanted to just do enough to get by. This however was unacceptable for teacher-mom. I can’t count the number of times she has told the kids something like, “It takes less time to do it right the first time than to have to do it again.”

What Susie was really teaching the kids was how to judge the quality of their work. It isn’t good enough to judge what we do as compared to what others do. We need to learn to evaluate our work based on whether we have done our personal best. This is a life lesson that affects every area of life and especially our relationship with God.

Paul had to teach the Corinthians the importance of judging themselves. It was important for these believers to learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as they examined their own lives to see if there was any sin that would separate them from God. One time that we can all slow down to judge ourselves is as we partake of communion together.

  • [31] If we get this straight now, we won't have to be straightened out later on. [32] Better to be confronted by the Master now than to face a fiery confrontation later.
    1 Corinthians 11:31-32 (MsgB)

As we join together with other believers to remember Jesus’ death whereby we are forgiven of our sins we can take the time to renew our relationship with God and with one another. Broken relationships within the church were a sign that their personal relationships with God needed attention too. How can we claim to have fellowship with God when we are angry at the person sitting across from us?

Making proper judgment of ourselves can be difficult. Thankfully we don’t have to do it alone. The Holy Spirit will help us to see where we have fallen short. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring those little promptings or thoughts that come to you during your times of introspection. Respond with repentance and obedience. If we are going to have a right relationship with God, then we not only must be cleansed from sin, but we also must be in right relationship with each other. Susie is right. It does take less time to do it right the first time. What do you think?

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