Perhaps our greater fear is identity theft. If someone gets your social security number and birth date they can become you. All someone needs is your checking account or credit card number and they can make purchases using your name. I’ve even shred some of the junk mail from credit card companies to help prevent my identity from being stolen (an ounce of prevention).
False teachers had made their way into the church at Corinth. They brought letters of recommendation with them. It didn’t matter that the letters were forged. Just claiming to be connected to one of the apostles was enough to be heard. Paul had a different letter of recommendation.
- 2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NIV)
Christ’s letter of recommendation was the testimony of changed lives. Paul says that the proof of being an apostle was the Corinthian believers. They were a letter written upon his heart by Jesus for anyone to read.
I can’t help but think about my ‘credentials.’ Like many pastors I have a certificate of ordination (in my case bearing the seal of the Assemblies of God). Yet that is just a piece of paper framed and hung in my office. My real ‘credentials’ or letter of recommendation are the people God has given me to pastor. Is there evidence of transformed lives sitting in church each Sunday or are people just in a spiritual rut?
I had breakfast this morning with one such ‘personalized letter.’ I’m thankful for those who have grown in their relationship with Christ through my ministry. Yet I can’t help wonder if there are some who would be a smudge on my credentials. What can I do to be more effective as their pastor to help bring change in their lives? Granted people must take personal responsibility for their spiritual growth and obedience to Christ. I won’t stand by their side at the judgment seat, but I will be judged by the Lord for what I did or did not do to initiate Christ likeness in their hearts and lives.
How about you? No, you may not be a pastor, but are you being an influence for spiritual maturity in the lives of others? As a parent are you teaching your children how to live a godly life? Are you an influence for righteousness at work or school? Each of us should have an authentic letter of recommendation signed by Jesus for everyone to read. What do you think?
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