Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The combines were working their way through the fields of wheat. Each cutting a path some twenty feet wide, these massive machines only stopped long enough to pour the golden grain into semi-trucks waiting to take it to market. As I watched I couldn’t begin to imagine the great abundance I saw being harvested. I wasn’t trying to guess how many bushels of grain were in each of the fields, instead I wondered how many loaves of bread, cake mixes and doughnuts these fields represented. I’m sure there was enough to keep a baker busy all year and still have truckloads of wheat left over.
  • Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
    2 Corinthians 9:10-11 NIV

Paul’s imagery of seed and bread fascinates me. God has more than answered our prayer for daily bread. He has not only provided the bread we need today, but the Lord has also given us the seed to provide even more for tomorrow. The abundance of God’s storehouse is far greater than the fields of grain any farmer may harvest. God’s supply is never-ending!

With this in mind Paul is not afraid to ask the Corinthians to be prepared to share what they have to provide for the needs of others. Everything we have to give comes from God. But we truly cannot out give God! The Lord stands ready to increase our resources so we can give even more. The end result is a harvest of righteousness. In other words, the more we give the more we become like God who did not withhold anything from us but gave all He could give (see Romans 8:32).

God has been so good to us as a family. As we give of our tithes and offerings, the Lord has not only met our every need, but at times has also given us more than we can contain. Greg and Pearl were prepared to pay $35 each for tickets to a music festival, but God made it possible for them to go for free. Why they have learned to give their tithes. Susie and I have been blessed far greater than we could have imagined for our 25th anniversary, but it’s not just for us. God has made it possible for us to give one day’s wage to help feed the world, and we will still have some left over. I could go on and on.

Has God expanded your resources and given you more than enough? I’m sure he has if you have been willing to give. Don’t hold onto the stuff of this world to tightly. Sow it like seed and let God increase your harvest! What do you think?

(I would enjoy reading some of your personal stories of how God has poured out blessings beyond what you could contain. God is the God of more than enough!)

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