Thursday, August 02, 2007


‘Know-it-all’ has an answer for every question and an opinion on everything. And the word of ‘Know-it-all’ is final. He or she is always right and you can’t say anything to change it. If ‘Know-it-all’ says, “The moon is made of green cheese” just smile and nod your head. Sometimes it’s better to just not say anything. Besides ‘Know-it-all’ will either try to convince you that you are wrong or will give you yet another monolog of their superior knowledge.

Sometimes ‘Know-it-all’ gets saved and finds him or herself sitting in church beside you. What then are we to do when ‘Know-it-all’ speaks up? Or dare I even say it; what are you and I to do if we happen to be 'Mr. or Ms. Know-it-all’? Let’s see if we can’t learn something new.

  • [1] Now let's talk about food that has been sacrificed to idols. You think that everyone should agree with your perfect knowledge. While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church. [2] Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn't really know very much.
    1 Corinthians 8:1-2 (NLT)

Paul had to deal with some know it alls in the church at Corinth. The issue focused meat sacrificed to idols. ‘Know-it-all’ knew that an idol was nothing in comparison to God and that the meat was just mean, so let’s just eat up and enjoy. “Besides,” says ‘Know-it-all,’ “We have freedom as Christians that keeps us from being bound by pagan worship.”

I find it interesting that Paul didn’t just tell the Corinthians that ‘Know-it-all’ really was right. If you read what Paul says he actually agrees with ‘Know-it-all.’ However, while we have freedom as Christians, Paul points out that we also have a responsibility to each other. What is most important is that we have a love for one another and live our lives in such a way that will strengthen and build others up in their faith in Christ.

Paul didn’t say that knowledge wasn’t important, and that’s not what I’m saying either. We need to study God’s word and know not only what we believe but also why we believe it. However, what makes our church strong is not superior knowledge but an unfailing love that puts others first. It is love that helps ‘Know-it-all’ to know when to speak and when to just be quiet and serve others. What do you think?

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