God's Word for today:
Whisper of God -
I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay here in the city until he arrives, until you're equipped with power from on high.
Luke 24:49 MsgB
Observation -
The word promised stands out to me. God planned in advance to use ordinary men and women to build His church. But bing a witness to tell others about Jesus was not something they could do in their own strength; they would need the power that only God could give them through His Holy Spirit. Therefore God made a promise, an unbreakable covenant, that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. The time was now at hand for God to fulfill this promise.
All too often I'm a lot like Peter. I act without thinking. Yet on this occasion Peter did what Jesus said. He did not get ahead of God with His own ideas about how to build the church. After all Jesus had previously given them the keys of the kingdom, and had told Peter that upon his profession, "Jesus is the Messiah" God would build His church. Still Peter waited for the promise of the Father to be fulfilled just as Jesus said it would be.
Real Life Application -
It is time to stop doing church in my own strength; instead I need to hold onto God's promises confident that He will bring it into being.
Day's Prayer -
Lord, you have filled me with your Holy Spirit. I thank you that you have given me the same power that was given to Peter and the early church, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. This was your promise. And through your power you will build your church. You will work salvation, healing, deliverance unto your glory in your church through your people by the power of your Spirit within them.
The promises you have made concerning your church you will keep. I don't have to try to make it happen. Instead I can rest in you and step out in obedience as you direct with your power. Forgive me for trying to do it myself. Forgive me for doubting you. Help me to wait upon you and your timing as you fulfill your promises today in your church.
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