Friday, January 27, 2012

Head in the Clouds

Whisper of God -
The people kept their distance while Moses approached the thick cloud where God was.
(Exodus 20:21 MsgB)

Observation -
To see that Moses approached God is not unusual. He is the leader of the people, but more than that, Moses spoke for God and performed miracles in the presence of the people. We recognize Moses as a holy man of God; no surprise that He approaches the thick cloud of God's presence.
What should surprise us in this passage is that God wanted all the people to come into His presence. In chapter 19 God established the limits around Mount Sinai. The people were to prepare themselves to meet with God, but were to stay off the mountain until the sounding of the trumpet otherwise they would die. Chapter 20 begins with God speaking to the people and giving them The Ten Commandments.
The people were terrified at the sound of God's voice and the sight of His awesome presence on the mountain. They were so afraid they told Moses to speak to them the words of God but to not have God speak directly to them. Yet right before this, and immediately after God spoke the 10 commandments the scripture describes God's presence on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet.
It seems to me that God was calling everyone to the mountain. He had told Moses that the people would be His treasured possession and a kingdom of priests. God sounded the trumpet to call them into His presence, but they resisted God. And so Moses went up the mountain alone into the cloud of God's glory.

Real Life Application -
I need to respond to the call of God to enter into the cloud of His presence so He can make me an individual who represents God before others (a priest).

Day's Prayer -
Lord, you have made us a royal priesthood. You have given us the right to come boldly into your presence through Jesus. Yet it is so easy for us - for me - to be distracted by the day to day things of life. In those times I fail to hear you calling me into your presence. Forgive me. Cleanse my ears to clearly hear your call that I might daily enter into your presence. Only then will people see Jesus in me as you desire.

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