Whisper of God -
"Heal anyone who is sick, and tell them, 'God's kingdom is right on your doorstep!'" (Luke 10:9 MsgB)
Observation -
Talk about Mission Impossible! I can just imagine what those Jesus sent out were thinking, "You want us to do what? Heal the sick?"
Jesus sent out the 70 in pairs to the cities and villages through out Judea to put into practice what they had seen Him do. Their instructions were simple. Preach one message, "The Kingdom of God has come to you." The proof was in the proverbial pudding; the sick were to be healed. That what Jesus told them to do.
This was not something any of them could do in their own ability or strength; they had to depend upon God - totally. They went and did this very thing. As a result they came back rejoicing that even demons were put in their place through their preaching. Jesus told them not to be glad about what they accomplish for God, but rejoice instead "in God's authority over you and presence with you" (vs. 20 MsgB)
Real Life Application -
I need to let God's Kingdom and His authority rule completely over my life to the point that I dare to take the risk of faith letting God prove Himself through me.
Day's Prayer -
Lord forgive me for playing it safe as a preacher. It's a safe thing for me to stand on a Sunday morning and deliver a sermon to those who have come expecting to hear one. Holy Spirit empower me to preach the simple message that God's Kingdom has come to intersect within the lives of people even in the marketplace. And give me faith to believe that you will confirm Your word with signs and wonders. Help me to believe that if I am going to see miracles happen the I must first be willing to say, "Be healed." As I simply follow your instructions Mission Impossible becomes Mission Possible!
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