Whisper of God -
But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, hardly noticed—he only had eyes for God, whom he saw in all his glory with Jesus standing at his side.
(Acts 7:55 MsgB)
Observation -
Stephen had been chosen to serve as one of the deacons in the early church. He and the others were picked because they were all known to be full of the Holy Spirit.
We quickly find out just how much Stephen was filled with the Spirit as he is dragged out by and angry mob. The Spirit directs Stephen's words as he gives his defense. He recounts the history of the people of Israel and how God had worked among them. Yet the point of all this was to show how Israel had always rejected God. Whenever God would speak through one of the prophets the people would not listen. Instead they killed the prophets.
His words further outraged the mob. Rather than being convicted of their sin in their hearts, they did what their ancestors had done. The stoned Stephen to death.
As the stones began beating against Stephen his focus was not on the mob, their angry words or the pain he felt. Instead Stephen's focus was on God.
Real Life Application -
I am too easily distracted by trivial things. I need to be filled more and more with the Holy Spirit making so I too only have eyes for Jesus.
Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus you know all the difficulties that challenge me. You know how easily I can become critical, how quickly I focus on the problem. Fill me with your Spirit afresh and anew today. May I only have eyes for you.
It's God's WORD to me and shared with you - Whisper of God (Scripture.) Observation (What it says.) Real Life Application (What God wants me to do.) Day's Prayer (Request for God's help.)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Buried Treasure
Whisper of God -
Next make tapestries of goat hair for a tent that will cover The Dwelling.
(Exodus 26:7 MsgB)
Observation -
God is giving Moses detailed instructions for the building of The Dwelling (better know to most of us as the Tabernacle). The Dwelling contained all the various things used to worship God - The Ark of the Covenant, the altar, the lamp stands, and more. Many of these things were covered with gold. The interior of The Dwelling was curtains of fine linen. But on the outside it was to be covered with goat skins.
From the outside The Dwelling looked no different than the many other tents in which the people lived. Yet within not only could earthly treasures be found, but more importantly God's presence would be there among His people.
I'm reminded of what Paul told the Corinthians. Like jars of clay we have a treasure within us of the limitless power of God (see 1 Corinthians 4:7). From the outside our appearance as believers is no different than anyone else. But on the inside is the life of Christ. We are The Dwelling of His Spirit!
Real Life Application -
The evidence of the treasure within is seen in how I live from day to day.
Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus thank you for the treasure of Your Spirit that is living within in me. Empower me to not give in to the external pressures of life to fit in and be like everyone else. Empower me to talk differently, to act differently. May I daily live like You with an awareness of the treasure within.
Next make tapestries of goat hair for a tent that will cover The Dwelling.
(Exodus 26:7 MsgB)
Observation -
God is giving Moses detailed instructions for the building of The Dwelling (better know to most of us as the Tabernacle). The Dwelling contained all the various things used to worship God - The Ark of the Covenant, the altar, the lamp stands, and more. Many of these things were covered with gold. The interior of The Dwelling was curtains of fine linen. But on the outside it was to be covered with goat skins.
From the outside The Dwelling looked no different than the many other tents in which the people lived. Yet within not only could earthly treasures be found, but more importantly God's presence would be there among His people.
I'm reminded of what Paul told the Corinthians. Like jars of clay we have a treasure within us of the limitless power of God (see 1 Corinthians 4:7). From the outside our appearance as believers is no different than anyone else. But on the inside is the life of Christ. We are The Dwelling of His Spirit!
Real Life Application -
The evidence of the treasure within is seen in how I live from day to day.
Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus thank you for the treasure of Your Spirit that is living within in me. Empower me to not give in to the external pressures of life to fit in and be like everyone else. Empower me to talk differently, to act differently. May I daily live like You with an awareness of the treasure within.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Head in the Clouds
Whisper of God -
The people kept their distance while Moses approached the thick cloud where God was.
(Exodus 20:21 MsgB)
Observation -
To see that Moses approached God is not unusual. He is the leader of the people, but more than that, Moses spoke for God and performed miracles in the presence of the people. We recognize Moses as a holy man of God; no surprise that He approaches the thick cloud of God's presence.
What should surprise us in this passage is that God wanted all the people to come into His presence. In chapter 19 God established the limits around Mount Sinai. The people were to prepare themselves to meet with God, but were to stay off the mountain until the sounding of the trumpet otherwise they would die. Chapter 20 begins with God speaking to the people and giving them The Ten Commandments.
The people were terrified at the sound of God's voice and the sight of His awesome presence on the mountain. They were so afraid they told Moses to speak to them the words of God but to not have God speak directly to them. Yet right before this, and immediately after God spoke the 10 commandments the scripture describes God's presence on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet.
It seems to me that God was calling everyone to the mountain. He had told Moses that the people would be His treasured possession and a kingdom of priests. God sounded the trumpet to call them into His presence, but they resisted God. And so Moses went up the mountain alone into the cloud of God's glory.
Real Life Application -
I need to respond to the call of God to enter into the cloud of His presence so He can make me an individual who represents God before others (a priest).
Day's Prayer -
Lord, you have made us a royal priesthood. You have given us the right to come boldly into your presence through Jesus. Yet it is so easy for us - for me - to be distracted by the day to day things of life. In those times I fail to hear you calling me into your presence. Forgive me. Cleanse my ears to clearly hear your call that I might daily enter into your presence. Only then will people see Jesus in me as you desire.
The people kept their distance while Moses approached the thick cloud where God was.
(Exodus 20:21 MsgB)
Observation -
To see that Moses approached God is not unusual. He is the leader of the people, but more than that, Moses spoke for God and performed miracles in the presence of the people. We recognize Moses as a holy man of God; no surprise that He approaches the thick cloud of God's presence.
What should surprise us in this passage is that God wanted all the people to come into His presence. In chapter 19 God established the limits around Mount Sinai. The people were to prepare themselves to meet with God, but were to stay off the mountain until the sounding of the trumpet otherwise they would die. Chapter 20 begins with God speaking to the people and giving them The Ten Commandments.
The people were terrified at the sound of God's voice and the sight of His awesome presence on the mountain. They were so afraid they told Moses to speak to them the words of God but to not have God speak directly to them. Yet right before this, and immediately after God spoke the 10 commandments the scripture describes God's presence on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet.
It seems to me that God was calling everyone to the mountain. He had told Moses that the people would be His treasured possession and a kingdom of priests. God sounded the trumpet to call them into His presence, but they resisted God. And so Moses went up the mountain alone into the cloud of God's glory.
Real Life Application -
I need to respond to the call of God to enter into the cloud of His presence so He can make me an individual who represents God before others (a priest).
Day's Prayer -
Lord, you have made us a royal priesthood. You have given us the right to come boldly into your presence through Jesus. Yet it is so easy for us - for me - to be distracted by the day to day things of life. In those times I fail to hear you calling me into your presence. Forgive me. Cleanse my ears to clearly hear your call that I might daily enter into your presence. Only then will people see Jesus in me as you desire.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
God's Word for today:
Whisper of God -
I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay here in the city until he arrives, until you're equipped with power from on high.
Luke 24:49 MsgB
Observation -
The word promised stands out to me. God planned in advance to use ordinary men and women to build His church. But bing a witness to tell others about Jesus was not something they could do in their own strength; they would need the power that only God could give them through His Holy Spirit. Therefore God made a promise, an unbreakable covenant, that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. The time was now at hand for God to fulfill this promise.
All too often I'm a lot like Peter. I act without thinking. Yet on this occasion Peter did what Jesus said. He did not get ahead of God with His own ideas about how to build the church. After all Jesus had previously given them the keys of the kingdom, and had told Peter that upon his profession, "Jesus is the Messiah" God would build His church. Still Peter waited for the promise of the Father to be fulfilled just as Jesus said it would be.
Real Life Application -
It is time to stop doing church in my own strength; instead I need to hold onto God's promises confident that He will bring it into being.
Day's Prayer -
Lord, you have filled me with your Holy Spirit. I thank you that you have given me the same power that was given to Peter and the early church, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. This was your promise. And through your power you will build your church. You will work salvation, healing, deliverance unto your glory in your church through your people by the power of your Spirit within them.
The promises you have made concerning your church you will keep. I don't have to try to make it happen. Instead I can rest in you and step out in obedience as you direct with your power. Forgive me for trying to do it myself. Forgive me for doubting you. Help me to wait upon you and your timing as you fulfill your promises today in your church.
Whisper of God -
I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay here in the city until he arrives, until you're equipped with power from on high.
Luke 24:49 MsgB
Observation -
The word promised stands out to me. God planned in advance to use ordinary men and women to build His church. But bing a witness to tell others about Jesus was not something they could do in their own strength; they would need the power that only God could give them through His Holy Spirit. Therefore God made a promise, an unbreakable covenant, that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. The time was now at hand for God to fulfill this promise.
All too often I'm a lot like Peter. I act without thinking. Yet on this occasion Peter did what Jesus said. He did not get ahead of God with His own ideas about how to build the church. After all Jesus had previously given them the keys of the kingdom, and had told Peter that upon his profession, "Jesus is the Messiah" God would build His church. Still Peter waited for the promise of the Father to be fulfilled just as Jesus said it would be.
Real Life Application -
It is time to stop doing church in my own strength; instead I need to hold onto God's promises confident that He will bring it into being.
Day's Prayer -
Lord, you have filled me with your Holy Spirit. I thank you that you have given me the same power that was given to Peter and the early church, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. This was your promise. And through your power you will build your church. You will work salvation, healing, deliverance unto your glory in your church through your people by the power of your Spirit within them.
The promises you have made concerning your church you will keep. I don't have to try to make it happen. Instead I can rest in you and step out in obedience as you direct with your power. Forgive me for trying to do it myself. Forgive me for doubting you. Help me to wait upon you and your timing as you fulfill your promises today in your church.
Friday, January 20, 2012
God's W-O-R-D for today
Whisper of God -
Look at that guy!
He had sex with sin,
he's pregnant with evil.
Oh, look! He's having
the baby—a Lie-Baby!
(Psalm 7:14 MsgB)
Observation -
This is one of David's honest prayers. He knows his enemies (that is King Saul) are out to get him, and if they catch him they will destroy him. Yet David's confidence is in God; he actually prays, "God if I'm guilty then let them catch me."
Yet David also knows that God is just. It is God who will ultimately judge the wicked. So David points out those who have been made themselves one with sin. They have become pregnant with evil and their offspring is deceit and disillusionment.
Sin is enjoyable for awhile, but in the end you are never satisfied.
Real Life Application -
I must be united with Christ wholeheartedly so that I am expectant with those things that last forever.
Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus, forgive me for having a divided heart, for loving You yet still holding on to the desires of this world. Give me a heart that burns for You. Holy Spirit fill me with a desire that only You can satisfy. Then and only then will I know real joy.
Blessed are the pure in heart because they will see God!
Whisper of God -
Look at that guy!
He had sex with sin,
he's pregnant with evil.
Oh, look! He's having
the baby—a Lie-Baby!
(Psalm 7:14 MsgB)
Observation -
This is one of David's honest prayers. He knows his enemies (that is King Saul) are out to get him, and if they catch him they will destroy him. Yet David's confidence is in God; he actually prays, "God if I'm guilty then let them catch me."
Yet David also knows that God is just. It is God who will ultimately judge the wicked. So David points out those who have been made themselves one with sin. They have become pregnant with evil and their offspring is deceit and disillusionment.
Sin is enjoyable for awhile, but in the end you are never satisfied.
Real Life Application -
I must be united with Christ wholeheartedly so that I am expectant with those things that last forever.
Day's Prayer -
Lord Jesus, forgive me for having a divided heart, for loving You yet still holding on to the desires of this world. Give me a heart that burns for You. Holy Spirit fill me with a desire that only You can satisfy. Then and only then will I know real joy.
Blessed are the pure in heart because they will see God!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Whisper of God -
Jacob blessed Pharaoh.
(Genesis 47:7 MsgB)
Observation -
Because of the famine Jacob moved to Egypt from Canaan with his family. To his surprise he was reunited with his son Joseph whom he thought was dead. Joseph now second in command in Egypt introduces his father to Pharaoh.
Jacob then does something significant; he blesses Pharaoh. Again as Jacob departs he blesses Pharaoh a second time.
Blessings were significant (as they should be today). As I understand it a blessing was to give of one's self for the benefit of the other, or to speak prophetically with favor about the future. Yet when you think about it, Jacob was powerless to bless Pharaoh. Jacob had nothing to offer a man who ruled all of Egypt. Pharaoh was the one with all the power and wealth. Nevertheless Jacob, called Israel by God because he had wrestled with God to receive a blessing, Jacob now blessed Pharaoh, a pagan king who worshiped false gods.
Real Life Application -
I am too quick to judge people as being hopeless, yet these are the people God desires to bless through me.
Day's Prayer
Lord, forgive me for being judgmental and hard of heart. Give me a heart like Yours; yes, break my hear with what breaks Yours. Help me to not see people as hopeless, but like You Jesus to see them as harassed and helpless. I have nothing to give them; I am powerless to change their lives. So like Jacob, empower me to bless them with hope, with life that only You can give.
Whisper of God -
Jacob blessed Pharaoh.
(Genesis 47:7 MsgB)
Observation -
Because of the famine Jacob moved to Egypt from Canaan with his family. To his surprise he was reunited with his son Joseph whom he thought was dead. Joseph now second in command in Egypt introduces his father to Pharaoh.
Jacob then does something significant; he blesses Pharaoh. Again as Jacob departs he blesses Pharaoh a second time.
Blessings were significant (as they should be today). As I understand it a blessing was to give of one's self for the benefit of the other, or to speak prophetically with favor about the future. Yet when you think about it, Jacob was powerless to bless Pharaoh. Jacob had nothing to offer a man who ruled all of Egypt. Pharaoh was the one with all the power and wealth. Nevertheless Jacob, called Israel by God because he had wrestled with God to receive a blessing, Jacob now blessed Pharaoh, a pagan king who worshiped false gods.
Real Life Application -
I am too quick to judge people as being hopeless, yet these are the people God desires to bless through me.
Day's Prayer
Lord, forgive me for being judgmental and hard of heart. Give me a heart like Yours; yes, break my hear with what breaks Yours. Help me to not see people as hopeless, but like You Jesus to see them as harassed and helpless. I have nothing to give them; I am powerless to change their lives. So like Jacob, empower me to bless them with hope, with life that only You can give.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
God's Word for today:
Whisper of God -
Every morning you'll hear me at it again.
Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar...(Psalm 5:3 MsgB)
Observation -David pours his heart out to God. He holds nothing back crying out to God for help. He recognizes the place of the wicked, and is amazed that God welcomes him into His presence.
Real Life Application -
I need to be more consistent in pouring out my heart to God everyday; to overflow with praise, confidence that He knows my need and will provide.
Day's Prayer -
Lord not a day goes by that Susie and I don't talk with each other about our day and renew our love for each other. God give me a greater passion for you that not a day goes by without me being in an open dialog with you.
Whisper of God -
Every morning you'll hear me at it again.
Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar...(Psalm 5:3 MsgB)
Observation -David pours his heart out to God. He holds nothing back crying out to God for help. He recognizes the place of the wicked, and is amazed that God welcomes him into His presence.
Real Life Application -
I need to be more consistent in pouring out my heart to God everyday; to overflow with praise, confidence that He knows my need and will provide.
Day's Prayer -
Lord not a day goes by that Susie and I don't talk with each other about our day and renew our love for each other. God give me a greater passion for you that not a day goes by without me being in an open dialog with you.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
When "Life Sucks"
God's W-O-R-D for today:
Whisper of God -
With her last breath, for she was now dying, she named him Ben-oni (Son-of-My-Pain), but his father named him Ben-jamin (Son-of-Good-Fortune).(Genesis 35:18 MsgB)
Observation -Some might wonder, "How cold hearted can Jacob be; his wife just died giving birth and he called his new son 'Good Fortune?'" Jacob felt the pain and sorrow of his wife's death, but even in the mist of his loss he maintained a perspective that only God could give.God had just visited again with Jacob in a place that he called "Bethel" (God's House). It was here that God reaffirmed the promise given to Jacob's forefathers, Abraham and Isaac. God would be with Jacob, now called Israel by God (which meant God-wrestler). For all of his faults Jacob had done what God told him to do. He left his father-in-law Laban and was on his way back home to his father Isaac in the land of Canaan - the Promised Land. God assured Jacob that his descendants would become a great nation, kings would be among his descendants, and they would possess the land.This is why Jacob could look past the momentary pain and look to the future with hope. His son would be Benjamin (Son of good fortune) and not Ben-oni (Son of pain).
Real Life Application -I need to be careful to have a God-given perspective and not become short-sighted by the trials of today.
Day's Prayer -Lord, I put on reading glasses to change my perspective to see clearly what is right in front of me. Sometimes I confess that even without my glasses all I can see what is within arm's reach. Holy Spirit, give me an eternal perspective. Enable me to look beyond myself and the circumstances I face from day to day. On those days when "life sucks" I want to have faith to look beyond my pain knowing that You will not leave one of Your promises unkept.
Friday, January 13, 2012
What Was I Thinking?
God's W-O-R-D for today . . .
Whisper of God -
A bystander said, "Master, will only a few be saved?"
He said, "Whether few or many is none of your business. Put your mind on your life with God. The way to life—to God!
(Luke 13: 23, 24 MsgB)
Observation -
Luke connects Jesus' short dialog about being careful to watch one's personal relationship with God to two short stories Jesus told about the Kingdom of God. In the first the Kingdom is compared to a mustard seed that grows into a large tree where birds can nest. In the second the Kingdom is likened to yeast that works within the dough causing it to rise. The point of these stories seems to be that from small beginnings the Kingdom of God will continue to expand and grow.
Then comes the question, "How many people will be saved?" Another way of asking the same question would be, "How big will God's kingdom be?"
Jesus' answer is simple. Look after yourself. Don't worry about others, but first be certain that you are personally welcomed into God's kingdom.
I think Luke connected these these events because people have always been looking for a loophole. What about the outsiders, those who have never heard about Jesus will they be saved?
It is not that we are not to have a heart for the lost, but rather we must first look to our own heart. If I examine my personal relationship with God, then the Spirit will transform my heart so that God's Kingdom continues to expand through me.
Real Life Application -
Before I look at others, I must first examine my own heart to be certain that I am included in God's Kingdom.
Day's Prayer -Lord, it is so easy for me to look at others and think that as a Christian they are not going to make it. Or I mistakenly think that some people are too far gone and have no hope of being saved. Forgive me for not looking first to my own heart to enter through the narrow door and daily find the way to life-to God. Jesus do a work in me that only you can do. Expand Your Kingdom in me so that it will likewise grow through me.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Mission Possible
Whisper of God -
"Heal anyone who is sick, and tell them, 'God's kingdom is right on your doorstep!'" (Luke 10:9 MsgB)
Observation -
Talk about Mission Impossible! I can just imagine what those Jesus sent out were thinking, "You want us to do what? Heal the sick?"
Jesus sent out the 70 in pairs to the cities and villages through out Judea to put into practice what they had seen Him do. Their instructions were simple. Preach one message, "The Kingdom of God has come to you." The proof was in the proverbial pudding; the sick were to be healed. That what Jesus told them to do.
This was not something any of them could do in their own ability or strength; they had to depend upon God - totally. They went and did this very thing. As a result they came back rejoicing that even demons were put in their place through their preaching. Jesus told them not to be glad about what they accomplish for God, but rejoice instead "in God's authority over you and presence with you" (vs. 20 MsgB)
Real Life Application -
I need to let God's Kingdom and His authority rule completely over my life to the point that I dare to take the risk of faith letting God prove Himself through me.
Day's Prayer -
Lord forgive me for playing it safe as a preacher. It's a safe thing for me to stand on a Sunday morning and deliver a sermon to those who have come expecting to hear one. Holy Spirit empower me to preach the simple message that God's Kingdom has come to intersect within the lives of people even in the marketplace. And give me faith to believe that you will confirm Your word with signs and wonders. Help me to believe that if I am going to see miracles happen the I must first be willing to say, "Be healed." As I simply follow your instructions Mission Impossible becomes Mission Possible!
"Heal anyone who is sick, and tell them, 'God's kingdom is right on your doorstep!'" (Luke 10:9 MsgB)
Observation -
Talk about Mission Impossible! I can just imagine what those Jesus sent out were thinking, "You want us to do what? Heal the sick?"
Jesus sent out the 70 in pairs to the cities and villages through out Judea to put into practice what they had seen Him do. Their instructions were simple. Preach one message, "The Kingdom of God has come to you." The proof was in the proverbial pudding; the sick were to be healed. That what Jesus told them to do.
This was not something any of them could do in their own ability or strength; they had to depend upon God - totally. They went and did this very thing. As a result they came back rejoicing that even demons were put in their place through their preaching. Jesus told them not to be glad about what they accomplish for God, but rejoice instead "in God's authority over you and presence with you" (vs. 20 MsgB)
Real Life Application -
I need to let God's Kingdom and His authority rule completely over my life to the point that I dare to take the risk of faith letting God prove Himself through me.
Day's Prayer -
Lord forgive me for playing it safe as a preacher. It's a safe thing for me to stand on a Sunday morning and deliver a sermon to those who have come expecting to hear one. Holy Spirit empower me to preach the simple message that God's Kingdom has come to intersect within the lives of people even in the marketplace. And give me faith to believe that you will confirm Your word with signs and wonders. Help me to believe that if I am going to see miracles happen the I must first be willing to say, "Be healed." As I simply follow your instructions Mission Impossible becomes Mission Possible!
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Little Things
W-O-R-D for today
Whisper of God -
Sarah lied. She said, "I didn't laugh," because she was afraid.
But he said, "Yes you did; you laughed." (Genesis 18:15 MsgB)
God visited Abraham again. This time God did not just talk about His promise. Instead he told them that the promise would be fulfilled; Sarah would give birth to the child God had promised them by the time God visited with them again the next year.
The thought of having a baby as an old woman, barren her whole life, made Sarah laugh within her heart. Yet when questioned by God about such a little thing she lied. Hardly a significant event, but nevertheless it is included in the story. God took notice of what we so easily overlook: the words we speak - even to ourselves.
Real Life-
I must be careful to make my words be true; not just when people are listening, but even when only God is listening.
Day's Prayer-
Holy Spirit You have helped me to put on the belt of truth; I'm not who I once was. I'm careful with the things I say thanks to You. Yet I need your continued help. Sometimes it's the little things, my self talk that is not pleasing to You. If I am not careful to guard my thoughts, then it is only a matter of time before they are spoken to others. Forgive me and help me to be attentive to the little things.
Whisper of God -
Sarah lied. She said, "I didn't laugh," because she was afraid.
But he said, "Yes you did; you laughed." (Genesis 18:15 MsgB)
God visited Abraham again. This time God did not just talk about His promise. Instead he told them that the promise would be fulfilled; Sarah would give birth to the child God had promised them by the time God visited with them again the next year.
The thought of having a baby as an old woman, barren her whole life, made Sarah laugh within her heart. Yet when questioned by God about such a little thing she lied. Hardly a significant event, but nevertheless it is included in the story. God took notice of what we so easily overlook: the words we speak - even to ourselves.
Real Life-
I must be careful to make my words be true; not just when people are listening, but even when only God is listening.
Day's Prayer-
Holy Spirit You have helped me to put on the belt of truth; I'm not who I once was. I'm careful with the things I say thanks to You. Yet I need your continued help. Sometimes it's the little things, my self talk that is not pleasing to You. If I am not careful to guard my thoughts, then it is only a matter of time before they are spoken to others. Forgive me and help me to be attentive to the little things.
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Deep Water
Whisper of God
"Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch." (Luke 5:4 MsgB)
Observation -
Peter and the others had a tough night fishing with nothing to who for it. As the mended nets Jesus taught the crowd. Then Jesus asked them to do the unexpected, "Push out to the deep water for a catch." Tired as Peter was he nevertheless did what Jesus asked. The result? A great catch of fish.
When I think of deep water it bring to mind being in over your head, or being in trouble yet it was from the deep water at an unexpected time for a seasoned fisherman that a great catch of fish came about.
Real Life
I must be willing to simply obey the direction of Jesus, even when He leads me into places that I may not expect.
Day's Prayer
Lord, I'm a lot like Peter. I think I know what is best. Your ways are not my ways. Help me to be willing to follow Your leading, even into those unexpected places. Help me to believe that where You lead You will provide...abundantly.
"Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch." (Luke 5:4 MsgB)
Observation -
Peter and the others had a tough night fishing with nothing to who for it. As the mended nets Jesus taught the crowd. Then Jesus asked them to do the unexpected, "Push out to the deep water for a catch." Tired as Peter was he nevertheless did what Jesus asked. The result? A great catch of fish.
When I think of deep water it bring to mind being in over your head, or being in trouble yet it was from the deep water at an unexpected time for a seasoned fisherman that a great catch of fish came about.
Real Life
I must be willing to simply obey the direction of Jesus, even when He leads me into places that I may not expect.
Day's Prayer
Lord, I'm a lot like Peter. I think I know what is best. Your ways are not my ways. Help me to be willing to follow Your leading, even into those unexpected places. Help me to believe that where You lead You will provide...abundantly.
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