Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Perhaps you remember this song. “Gloom, despair and agony on me; Deep dark depression, excessive misery. If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all. Gloom, despair and agony on me.” This song was a weekly part of the Hee-Haw show as Hank and Buck would share their troubles. As they cried on each other’s shoulders the rest of America laughed.

Believe it or not I sometimes find myself singing the blues. When I find myself depressed I try to remember not to take myself too seriously. What I need is to find a way to laugh at my troubles because it certainly beats crying.

The experience of life has taught me that the circumstances of life that get me down can basically be broken down into three categories. First, God sometimes will use the hardships of life as discipline for my sin and disobedience because “the Lord disciplines those he loves” (Hebrews 12:6). Closely connected to the first is the reality that many of my difficulties are the result of my own choices. My actions have consequences; “A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7). The third possible cause of life’s hardships is the attack of our adversary the devil. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood” (Ephesians 6:12).

The unfortunate reality is that more often than not it is God who gets the blame whenever people go through tough times. We raise our fists toward heaven asking God “Why?”

  • A man's own folly ruins his life,
    yet his heart rages against the Lord.
    Proverbs 19:3 NIV

How foolish to pick a fight with God! The Lord does not seek to destroy us but to restore us. Though painful, God’s discipline is intended for our good. Yet like a rebellious teen-ager we harden our hearts and just get angry with God. Fortunately God is not moody and patiently works in our lives to accomplish His purposes.

Raising our fists to fight against God is like the ’98 pound weakling taking a swing at a heavyweight champion. We keep swinging but God is unshaken by our tantrum. God patiently waits for us to see that He is really in our corner; the Lord is for us and not against us!

Let’s learn to laugh at our folly of raising our fists against God. That will be a big step toward getting out of our depression. Maybe then we will be able to see who or what we should really be fighting. What do you think?

Friday, October 26, 2007


Sometimes it is amazing how quickly life returns to normal. Granted someone has said that “normal” is only a setting on a dryer, but the routine of life finds its way of overcoming even the most difficult of circumstances. For instance think about the hundreds of thousands of people who were forced to leave their homes due to the California wildfires. As the fires continue to burn many are now being permitted to return to their homes. Even for those whose homes have been destroyed, it won’t take long before they rebuild and their everyday schedule returns to “normal.”

Each of us has faced our own unique situations that more than toppled our proverbial apple cart. The death of a loved one, a prolonged illness, the loss of a job, an accident or burglary, a natural disaster: these are but a handful of events that can strike suddenly in any of our lives. And while the routine of life may return to normal, our hearts can carry the pain of loss for months and even years.

The psalmist knew what it was to sing the blues. “As the deer pants for steams of water so my soul pants for you, O God . . . My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?’” (Psalm 42: 1, 3 NIV). Have you been there, feeling forsaken even by God?

Grief lingers. Depression can overwhelm us and transform a “normal” day into the deepest of sorrow. While the intensity may vary, we all know what it is like to be lost in regret. What are we to do when “abnormal” emotional pain becomes “normal?”

  • Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
    Psalms 42:5 NIV

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and live a new “normal” of sorrow. The palmist pushes past singing the blues to purposefully sing God’s praise. We can choose to linger in the mire of self pity or we can look up. Put your hope in God! Come to Jesus, our Good Shepherd, and let Him mend your broken heart. He will bring you into green pastures and lead you along quiet waters. Jesus will restore your soul. He will walk with you even through the dark shadows of Death Valley. Out of His abundant storehouse our Shepherd will provide for us.

All who hope in God will never be hopeless. What do you think?

Thursday, October 25, 2007


The coal burner has been lit. The Owens family will keep this fire going to heat their home. It provides warmth on the coldest of days, and if it gets to hot you just open the windows. I, on the other hand, have resisted the pleas of family members to simply turn on our furnace. I’ll put on a sweater or wear a jacket, but to turn on the furnace is the final surrender to the inevitable change of seasons.
  • You laid out the four corners of earth,
    shaped the seasons of summer and winter.
    Psalms 74:17 MsgB

Nothing happens by accident. God established the seasons; it is by His design that the year is divided into winter, spring, summer and fall.

As the days continue to grow shorter, it won’t be long until the snow begins to fall and the cold winds cut like a knife. These are reminders that God keeps his covenant with the day and night. As surely as God has fixed the seasons and the length of each the day, so too has God established the covenant that He has made with you through Jesus Christ.

As we look at the world around us it is easy to find people who are experiencing a winter season of the soul. Just as the bitter cold of the winter season is by no means comfortable, the hardships of life chill our souls. Unexpected tragedy can hit us as suddenly as a fall on the ice.

I can think of many who are going through such a winter season of the soul. Let me encourage you to find comfort in the knowledge that God controls the seasons. Unlike the White Witch who ruled Narnia with an endless winter, God always sends springtime and summer.

Beyond our sure hope of a brighter tomorrow we have the assurance that Jesus is with us even in the midst of the coldest of days. He has made a covenant with you, sealed with His blood, to never leave you nor forsake you. God will strengthen even the feeblest of heart whose hope is in Him. His Spirit within you will sustain you through the darkest night.

How cheerful the glow of a fire on a winter day. He is our source of warmth and comfort in times of trouble. Come to the Jesus and let Him renew your peace; find joy in the Lord. Wrap yourself secure in His promises. Finding hope in Lord is even better than sitting next to the coal burner on a cold winter day. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I sat waiting for my turn to drive through the work area wishing the road could just fix itself. Like other motorist I found nothing wrong with the road. The workers walking the roadway could see what I couldn’t see driving quickly over the smooth pavement. Small cracks crisscrossed the roadway. Left unattended these cracks would become huge potholes as snow and ice would break the roadway into pieces.

As we hurry through our lives we often don’t see the cracks of sin within our lives. God sees what we often overlook. If the sin within our hearts remains unattended to, then like the road it is just a matter of time before our lives are falling apart.

  • 10 Create a clean heart in me, O God, and renew a faithful spirit within me. 11 Do not force me away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore the joy of your salvation to me, and provide me with a spirit of willing obedience.
    Psalms 51:10-12 GW

We only deceive ourselves if we think we are free from sin. Each of us can so easily fall from grace. Sometimes it happens quickly; we turn and forsake God and willingly yield to our lust for sin. Sometimes the process is gradual; little by little we all backslide when left to ourselves. We need to slow down and let God show us the sin that seeks to destroy us.

None of us can renew ourselves any more than the road could fix itself. Only God can save us from our sin, and only God can restore us once again. As surely as we needed to repent on the day of our salvation, we need to repent today.

David started out ignoring his sin. He was the king and could do what he wanted. Later David tried to cover-up his sin with Bathsheba through deception and when that failed he had Uriah murdered. David continued to ignore his sin taking Bathsheba home as his wife. He made it appear that he was honoring one of his fallen soldiers by providing for Uriah’s wife. God saw what David ignored. David’s sin was destroying his life. Once confronted with the reality of his sin David knew he was powerless to restore himself. David cried out to God, “Purify my heart; renew a right spirit in me. Let your Spirit fill my life filling my heart again with your joy. Empower me to obey You!”

Let’s stop hurrying through our lives. Let’s slow down and let God show us our sin. Let our prayer always be "God do your work of grace in me." What do you think?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I must confess that when I got up this morning my thoughts changed quickly. I took two steps from my bed and discovered that our bedroom floor was soaked. I said, “Oh—God bless America.” I don’t think it really counted as a prayer for our nation. What a way to start the morning!

Having cleaned things up, I sit here aware of my need to confess my sin to the Lord. While I didn’t start my day wanting to praise the Lord, I have reason to be thankful. First, God graciously forgive me of ALL my sin. I am His child and nothing can separate me from His love. Second, we have needed the rain. God has watered the earth and some of it just overflowed in to my bedroom is all. Third it could have been a much bigger mess. We’ve had up to three inches of water cover the floor, but thankfully it only affected about a third of the room.

  • I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart;
    I will tell of all your wonders.
    Psalms 9:1 NIV

Praise should be a natural part of our day. God has been gracious to you today. Regardless of the circumstances that you may face, have you been made aware of His goodness to you? Have you stopped to give thanks to God today? If we remain silent and let a day go by without giving praise to the Lord then we are guilty of the sin of ingratitude.

Ten lepers cried out to Jesus for mercy. Because of their disease these men had become outcasts excluded even from being with their family. Jesus sent them to show themselves to the priests according to the requirements of the law. As they went all ten were cleansed of their leprosy. Only one stopped and ran back to find Jesus. With a loud voice this man gave praise to God and fell at Jesus feet thanking Him for healing him (see Luke 17:11-19).

It’s easy to be like the other nine, to go on about the activity of our day and forget to give praise to the Lord. Yet when we neglect to praise the Lord with thanksgiving we forfeit the benefits of praise. Through our worship we grow strong in the Lord and are spiritually energized. Praise excites our hope and increases our faith. Praise lifts our burdens and our hearts are renewed. Our praise also spills over to benefit others as well. Others who walk through the valley of despair or carry the weight of anxiety will be encouraged to likewise praise the Lord. The weak will be strengthened and revived through our song of praise. Magnify the Lord with me! (Psalm 34:3)

I will revive my heart to praise Him today. What do you think?

Friday, October 19, 2007


Early each spring our family goes to a “Saps a Risin’” festival. We enjoy walking through the woods and seeing how maple syrup was made through the years. They say it takes over 40 gallons of sap to be boiled down to produce just 1 gallon of syrup. That’s a lot of water!
  • The trees of the Lord are full of sap.
    Psalms 104:16 NKJV

Sap gives life to a tree. Other versions translate this verse saying the trees of the Lord are “watered abundantly” or “well cared for.” Unless a tree’s roots drink in water the sap dries up and the tree dies.

We can be the trees of the Lord overflowing with life by the Holy Spirit living within us. Calling yourself a Christian or attending church is meaningless, a dead thing that our culture does not understand. Being a “Christian” is popular in America, but means nothing more than attending church, trying to live a moral life, and being a part of the conservative political movement that voted for Bush. For many, Christians are hypocrites who preach one thing but do another. Sadly this is the case as many so called Christians live lives that are virtually indistinguishable from those who claim no Christian faith.

In the same way sap is mysteriously drawn into a tree to give it life, true Christians, disciples of Jesus Christ, must be filled with the Spirit of life. The spiritual life of a believer is a supernatural work whereby we are born again to live a new life. We were dead in our sins, but now we have been made alive—full of SAP, Spirit and power!

As the roots of a tree dig deep into the soil, our Root is Jesus. Our life comes from Him. And just as the sap actively gives life to a tree so it can grow and produce fruit, the life of Christ in us is permanently active within us energizing us to be fruitful, not just in season but always! The fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit are graces that flow from within us moment by moment—day by day. Yes, we are trees of the Lord full of SAP!

What our family enjoys most about “Saps a Risin’” is sitting in the park lodge eating fresh maple snacks. The natural sweetness is a treat that brings us back year after year. That’s how our lives should taste in the world. The sweetness of the life of Christ should be evident drawing others to Jesus. Why? We are full SAP—Spirit and power! What do you think?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Yesterday I had to make room along the road for a combine. A farmer was taking this massive machine from one field to another to bring in the harvest. These machines were designed for the wide open fields and are out of place on the road.

It won’t be long and another large machine will be needed on area roadways designed for a specific purpose. The snowplow will be clearing the way for us to travel. But magine with me that we wake up one morning to discover that the road in front of our house is covered, not with freshly fallen snow, but with an abundance of grain ready to harvest. Snowplows won’t do. We will be looking for the combine to not only clear the roadway, but to reap the harvest as well. Sound farfetched? Don’t forget that nothing is impossible with God.

  • You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.
    Psalms 65:11 NLT

The psalmist thanked God for the abundance of His provision. Not only were the fields overflowing but the harvest was so great that it even abounded on the hard pathways. Talk about a bumper crop! God gave a harvest where none was expected.

Perhaps you are traveling a hard path today. Circumstances seem overwhelming. Humanly speaking nothing good can come from the place you are at. I’ve got good news for you. God does not share our limitations. He can, and will bring good out of anything regardless of how hard the road may be that we travel. Check and see if Romans 8:28 is still in your bible.

Why was the harvest abundant even along the hard pathways? It wasn’t just good luck, nor was it simply an act of God. Rather it was God’s response to prayer.

  • You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior.
    Psalms 65:5 NLT

God will not ignore a heart cry of faith. His blessing and provision comes to those who earnestly seek Him. Parched, dry and barren is the soul that has no time for prayer. But those who pray will, like Elijah, find God’s provision of rain upon a dry and thirsty ground. Fertilize your hard road with prayer. Gain confidence to face each day by time spent with Jesus. He will awaken you to an abundant harvest—even on your hard road. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


All of us go through it at one time or another. Life seems to treat us unfairly; comfort is a meaningless word, and our faith in God is weak. Those are the times we find ourselves asking God, “Why?” Instead of answers, we find only silence and heartache.

It has been said that we may never have an answer to our why God questions. As for me I’m just simple minded enough to believe that God has answered all our questions within His word. Dare I say it? Childlike faith trusts the Father’s word. Perhaps our problem is we don’t like God’s answers. Maybe we are just unwilling to listen or even look to His word for an answer.

Here is one of the many ways I believe God answers our why questions. Read it slowly, and then read it again aloud.

  • For you are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.
    Psalms 36:9 NLT

Now imagine God speaking personally to you. Your heavenly Father says, “I am your fountain of life, the only light by which you can see.” Can you hear the Father’s love for you?

With a little help from Charles Spurgeon* I’m just foolish enough to offer an answer to our some of our many whys. Could it be that the reason we endure some of the hardships of life is because we have drifted too far from God?

When we forsake God, we begin to live life in our own strength and with our own wisdom. We claim the blessings and prosperity that God has given us as our own and use it as we desire. None of us do this all at once; rather it is a subtle change of thinking that slowly separates us from God.

This is what happened to the prodigal son. He did not ask for his inheritance because he despised his father, nor did he forget his father’s love when he set out for the city. Little by little he forgot as he spent all his father had given on himself. By the time everything was gone the prodigal had forgotten his father’s love. Instead of immediately returning home he hired himself out as a farm hand. The pay wasn’t good. He ate with the animals. Amazing how when we get used to living for ourselves that even slop from the swine-trough is appealing. Finally the prodigal came to his senses and remembered his father.

It seems to me that when we begin to wander away from God, the Lord takes the things we are trusting in away from us. At first, like the prodigal, we ask why but forget the abundance of our Father’s love which satisfies our desires and gives us light to see. Eventually we too come to our senses. When we get thirsty we will eagerly return to God, the only fountain that will satisfy our the desires of our heart. What do you think?

* Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening; October 16th evening.

Monday, October 15, 2007


  • 1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men's advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. 2 But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.
    Psalms 1:1-2 TLB

I’m sitting at a WCS volleyball game. The whistle blows—one point for our team, finally. How could our team have done so well, winning divisively in the first game, and so poorly in this one? Volleyball is a game of team work. Six players for each team rotate around the court hitting the ball back and forth over the net. Our problem seems to be that this time we have six individuals playing instead of a team of six players.

So you might be wondering, “What does volleyball have to do with Psalm 1?” I’m glad you asked.

David understands the importance of teamwork. We are blessed when we do not follow the counsel of the wicked or hang out with sinners. Now I’m not saying that the wicked don’t know how to play as a team. However, when you stop to think about it the recommendation and guidance of sinners will tend to be self-centered. Sin makes you selfish. The wicked are more interested in what’s in it for them personally than what they can give to others.

Our greatest joy is found when we learn to take delight in God’s word, and this is important, we live in obedience to His commands. Jesus summarized the entirety of the Law in two commands: [1] love God, and [2] love your neighbor as yourself (see Matthew 12:29-31). Jesus’ prayer was that His disciples (that’s you and me) would be one that is to live in unity (see John 17:20-21). To put it another way God wants us to work together, and yes play together too, as a team because of our love for one another. We can’t do that if we are always thinking of ourselves.

David says the righteous are like trees planted along the river’s edge bearing fruit in season (verse 3). Or we might say they are like a winning volleyball team. I wish I could tell you that our girls won, but they lost the match two games to one. We would have a lot more joy on our side if they had worked together as a team in those last two games. Teamwork—what do you think?

Thursday, October 11, 2007


It is major league baseball playoff time again. Four teams remain in the hunt to capture the World Series championship. With each hit fans go crazy cheering in joyful anticipation. With each run players strut their stuff with high-fives and other displays while the fans are ecstatic.

It has been ten years since the Cleveland Indians last made a run for the championship. The team was confident and fans were sure that ’97 was the Tribe’s year. Unfortunately the Indians ended up losing the seventh and deciding game in eleven innings to the Florida Marlines. I’m sorry but there is something fishy about the anticipation of joy turning to disappointment with the swing of the opponent’s bat.

  • Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.
    Philippians 3:1 NIV

People look for joy in lots of different places. Paul encourages us to rejoice in the Lord (something he repeats again and again). If Paul depended upon his circumstances for joy then he was in trouble. Being a prisoner in Rome with an uncertain future is about as low as you can go. Nevertheless Paul encouraged the Philippians to rejoice because Paul knew that rejoicing in the Lord was a safeguard. The same is true today. Think with me about how it is a safeguard to rejoice in the Lord.

  1. Rejoicing in the Lord gives us an absolute assurance of being in right standing before God. It’s hard to rejoice and praise the Lord when there is sin in our lives separating us from the Lord.
  2. Joy in the Lord protects our hearts form resentment and bitterness. People may disappoint me but God never will. Once more God will enable me to build bridges of reconciliation instead of walls of anger and disappointment.
  3. When we rejoice in the Lord our confidence is in God and not in ourselves. I can do all things through Christ.
  4. Our yearning for more and more stuff is disciplined and controlled when we learn to rejoice in the Lord. Only the content can truly rejoice.
  5. We have strength to stand firm through any and all situations when we rejoice in the Lord because the joy of the Lord is our strength.

So that’s a handful of ways rejoicing in the Lord is a safeguard, and there’s nothing fishy about it. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Greg invited me to get up and run with him early in the morning. He ran about two miles Monday morning and then about four that evening. He was up again the next morning to go run some more. I felt a little sorry for him when he complained about how sore he was, but no one made him go out to run. Besides I knew that I would feel even worse if I had done even half the running he had. Nevertheless when all is said and done, it is Greg who is getting himself into better physical condition. No pain; no gain! I will never benefit from Greg’s morning run unless I am get up and run with him.

Now before I lose half of you, physical exercise may be of some benefit. But we all need to pay the price and take personal responsibility for another kind of “work out.”

  • 12 . . . Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
    Philippians 2:12-13 NIV

Some may wonder who is really doing the work out—you or God? Paul encourages us to work out our salvation, but then adds that it is God who is at work with in you. I for one am grateful that God will without doubt bring to completion the work He began in me (see Philippians 1:6). Yet God’s work is a lot like Greg’s morning workout. The only way I will benefit from God’s work is to decide to work together with God.

Your sin is yours alone and will result in your own condemnation. I may participate with others in sinful pleasure, but we will each carry the personal guilt of it. The only way to be set free from the weight of sin that we all carry is to receive a personal pardon, to individually repent of our sin and believe that Jesus paid the price for our sin on the cross by His death.

I must personally pay the price for my sin; I must die. Jesus’ work was to die in my place, to bear the punishment of my sin and yours. The work Jesus did need never be repeated. That’s why from the cross He said “It is finished.”

But God’s work through Jesus is only effective in my life if I choose to do my own spiritual “work out” of my salvation. When I die I will either be personally comforted by the assurance of heaven, or personally fearful of my damnation in hell. What I receive that day will be the result of my personal workout with Jesus. No one else can do it for me and no one else can do it for you. Yes, it’s up to you! What do you think?

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


They say that love is blind. When it comes to romance that may or may not be true. Spiritually we begin our lives with the eyes of our heart darkened (see 2 Corinthians 4:4). The love of Christ opens our hearts to see with increasing clarity of vision.

  • 9 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ — to the glory and praise of God.
    Philippians 1:9-11 NIV

Paul’s prayer is that love will continue to grow, or could we say that the eyes of our heart will gain a greater power of sight. How does Paul pray that our love will see more and more clearly?

  1. In Knowledge. Love sees what they eyes alone cannot see. Let’s make it our prayer that God will help us to know Him better that we might see His unfailing mercy for us, the sustaining power of His Spirit in us, and His unfailing promises for all who know God as Father.
  2. In Depth of Insight. Oh that we might see the truth. Lord, please help us see clearly the gospel of Christ and your Word. Give me insight to see myself in the light of Your truth.
  3. In Discernment. Love has vision to see the difference between what is right and wrong. The eyes of the heart see what is best with a passion to hold onto it while letting go of the inferior pleasures of this world.
  4. In Relationships. The eyes of the heart are pure and blameless. No one finds fault or points an accusing finger because love sees the way to bring restoration and healing to broken relationships.
  5. In Righteousness. The eyes of the heart see the way to follow in Christ’s footsteps. Love gives no place to sin because Jesus is seen always before the believer leading the way. Without love I stumble and fall blind to the entanglement of sin.

Love never fails. Love will continue to grow more and more with clarity of vision. In the eyes of the heart love isn’t blind. What do you think?

Friday, October 05, 2007


During the Vietnam War it is estimated that 2 out of 10 soldiers did not fire their weapons. The reasons for their lack of engagement with the enemy varied. Some soldiers new to the battlefield did not pull the trigger because they were overwhelmed with fear. These same soldiers would later engage the enemy if they were not killed in the initial firefight.[1]

Courage to take a stand against the enemy is one thing every soldier needs. To overcome their personal fear may be the greatest challenge a soldier may face. This is just as true for each of us as believers. We are engaged in the ongoing struggle against Satan and the powers of darkness. Will we take our stand against the enemy or be overcome by fear?

  • Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
    Ephesians 6:10 NIV

Paul’s encouragement to be strong in the Lord reminds me of what God said to Joshua. Three times the Lord told Joshua to be strong and courageous, and not be afraid. God had promised to be with Joshua and to go with him and the nation of Israel to inhabit the Promised Land. However, the only way the people could receive what God had promised was to stand up against their enemies and take possession of the land. But they didn’t have to do it alone. God would be mighty to help them—unless of course they were paralyzed by fear.

We too must overcome our fears and take our stand filled with faith. We are to be “strong in the Lord.” We are not to have self-confidence but God-confidence. God is mighty to save and His power has no limits. Through faith I have a God-confidence whereby “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 1:13 NLT). My ability to stand and overcome the enemy is not found within myself. My ability comes from the person of Christ and His limitless resources.

Being strong in the Lord I am to put on the full armor of God. With the weaponry God provides I lack nothing; I am fully equipped to stand firm against the enemy. Yet no matter how superior the armor of God may be against our adversary, the best armaments are useless if my heart fails me. If I lack courage and am overcome by fear then I am beaten even before the battle starts. Be strong in the Lord and no attack of the enemy will prevail against you! What do you think?
[1] Russell W. Glenn,

Thursday, October 04, 2007


With five children you can only imagine how often we have heard someone say something like, “She has her mommy’s nose,” or “He looks just like his daddy.” The comparisons between parents and children abound. But such similarities don’t stop with appearance. Children are also copycats of their parent’s behavior and mannerisms.
  • Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children.
    Ephesians 5:1 NIV

“Watch what God does, and then you do it” (MsgB). Paul is not making a suggestion or merely stating his opinion. We can’t just take it or leave it. As Christians we are to imitate God. It is an imperative command that requires obedience.

If you and I are going to imitate God it requires action. We cannot just meditate upon God’s word nor can we simply ponder what it means live like Jesus. Regardless of how elementary our understanding of how God would act we are to act the same way. We are to mimic God; that is to say we are to resemble God in what we say and do.

How can we reproduce God in our day to day lives? I’ve never seen God, so how can I emulate the Lord in my life? Jesus is God with skin on. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to be like Jesus. Study God’s word and put what it says into practice. As James says, “Don’t merely listen to the word . . . do what it says” (James 1:22); in other words act on what you know to do. We can also follow the example of other believers who have learned to practice godliness in their lives. These are all ways we can begin to imitate God, but the key is to take action today to be as much like God as you can be.

Now I don’t know about you but imitating God sounds kind of intimidating to me. I mean what if I mess up and get it wrong? Fear not! I’ve got good news for you.

We are to imitate God “as dearly loved children.” God is our heavenly Father! We can follow in our Daddy God’s footsteps. God smiles when he sees His children act like Him. And when we fall He is right there to pick us up and brush us off to make a fresh start. Our heavenly Father forgives us and is right by our side to help us live just like Him.

Let’s live today with the hope someone will say, “You are just like your Daddy.” You know what I mean. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Several years ago I was working with my brother siding a house. I was cutting a piece of trim to put over one of the windows when our work day came to a sudden end. Let’s just say that it was the closest I ever came to cutting off a finger.

  • 15 . . . Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
    Ephesians 4:15-16 NIV

Paul likens us as believers to being members of the Body of Christ. Just like our fingers, toes and countless other body parts we are all connected to each other. But how does this connection work?

The nerve that unites us to Christ and one another is love. Through the love of Christ we are forgiven of our sins and accepted as members of His body. Without God’s love we would forever be separated from Him and each other.

The nerve of love further animates us as His body. Christ is the head the body. Jesus was compelled by love to go to the cross so that we might be reconciled to God. As members of His body His love should likewise be the motive of everything we do and say. His love directs us to reach out to the lost that they might be saved. And it is His love that knits us all together as members of His body.

I’m glad that I’m connected to Christ, but the connection does not stop there. Notice Paul says, “The whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love.” Love connects believers to each other. We need each other because we all play a part in the function of the Body. This is especially true within the local church. The nerve of love feels the pain when believers separate themselves from one another.

My finger has healed. All that remains is a small scar, a reminder of how painful and handicapped I would be if I try to cut it off again. Division in the church is even more painful, handicapping the body from effectively being who are called to be and doing what Christ has empowered us to. Scripture says, “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). I guess love works like the Band-Aid to heal our self-inflicted wounds too. Trust the heart; forgive the hands. What do you think?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


A botanist hired himself as an under gardener to a nobleman in a foreign country. His master received a beautiful plant as gift. Neither the nobleman nor his upper gardener was familiar with this plant. Believing it to be a tropical plant it was placed in the greenhouse, but soon the plant began to wither and die. The botanist happened to see this plant and immediately recognized it as an arctic plant. He immediately took it out of the greenhouse packing ice and snow around the pot and exposing the plant to the winter frost. Soon the plant was thriving again.

I’m sure that I too would have done a good job of killing that plant. I would have done my best to take care of it and protect it from the cold of winter. But I would not have thought to provide it with what was really needed either—the harsh conditions of adversity.

  • . . . I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles.
    Ephesians 3:1 NIV

Paul was a prisoner. He knew what it was to be in chains and held captive by armed guards. But Paul was not a prisoner of Rome. He was a prisoner of Christ Jesus! Paul understood that through his captivity his faith was being strengthened and built up. Persecution did not weaken him. It made him stronger as a believer. Thus Paul saw himself as the prisoner of Jesus. He would not try to escape, nor would he complain or become embittered. Paul was strengthened through adversity.

I wonder if we as Christians we are a lot like that artic plant. We are safe and warm inside the greenhouse (the church that is), but what we really need is to be put out in the cold (to face the adversity of the world that is). We enjoy being in the church, free from conflict and persecution. But what is the condition of our faith? Is it beginning to wither and die? Does our faith need to face the cold cruelty of a world still lost in sin?

Paul was a prisoner with a passionate purpose. He was Christ’s prisoner for the sake of the Gentiles—those considered outsiders. It seems that not only was Paul’s faith strengthened through adversity, but others came to faith in Christ too. All this happened because Paul was Christ’s prisoner.
I like being comfortable, but is the prosperity of the church actually our undoing? Are you willing to let Jesus arrest you and become His prisoner regardless of the cost? What do you think?

Monday, October 01, 2007


A lifetime ago I took a required art appreciation course. I passed the class, but I’m not sure if I acquired an appreciation for art. Don’t misunderstand, I enjoy artwork. I just can’t tell the difference between the nock-off reproduction and the original masterpiece hanging on museum walls. While I see little or no differences, the art enthusiast will notice not only the obvious differences (like “Reproduction from China” stamped in the corner), to even the subtle differences of brush strokes and the various hues of color that are out of place.

I wonder if we have an appreciation for God’s masterpiece. All of us enjoy the painted colors of the sunset and the way God transforms the trees from greens to yellows, orange and red. These and other wonders of God’s creation are works of art that no painter can reproduce or even the best camera capture the fullness of what God created. But above all the marvelous beauty that fills creation one stands out far above all others.

  • For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
    Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Our appreciation for the masterpiece which God has made in our lives should grow with each passing day. I’m not talking about thankfulness for what God has done. While our gratitude should continue to overflow, we should also develop an appreciation of God’s workmanship in our lives by which we can discern the subtle differences between God’s handiwork and human effort.

It’s not just paintings and other artwork that are being reproduced en mass. Many so-called Christians are trying to make themselves what only God can create. Can we tell the difference between good works marked with the finger of God and human effort? Can we see the subtle difference between the overflow of God’s love and a duty or obligation done simply to look good in the eyes of others?

The work God begins in our lives only He can complete. When we take the brush in our hands we ruin God’s masterpiece. Can we tell the difference, or have we accepted the cheep nock-off reproduction? What do you think?