Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Christ at the Cetner

Susie was teaching the Stars club at the church and asked what most of us would think to be a simple question. “Who can tell me about the Christmas story?”

Six little girls sat quietly for about a minute; then one little girl ventured an answer. “You mean about Ralphie and the BB gun?”

The Christmas story can be so familiar to us. Unfortunately not everyone knows the story of Jesus’ birth. Each Christmas we see the Christmas lights go up alongside snowmen and Santa with his reindeer. From time to time you will also see a Nativity scene set up in someone’s front yard. Yet do people even understand that it is the Nativity that tells the real story of Christmas? Do they even know who the baby portrayed there is?

Who are we to blame for this? We could point a finger at our culture that continually tries to push Christ out of Christmas, but I don’t think a secular society is to blame.

We could also lay the blame at the feet of the church. Deservedly so the church too often keeps our witness of the Christmas story within our four walls. When we do make our voices heard it seems to be a complaint or to boycott a retailer for saying, “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” I think that misses the point of being ‘salt and light’.

Personally I lay most of the blame at the feet of Christian families. The little girls mentioned above had families that knew the Christmas story, but had not taken the time to teach it to their girls. Have we forgotten that Christmas is not all about presents and parties? Rather than letting our schedules get more hectic and the pressure build, shouldn’t we slow down and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season?

. . . "Joseph, son of David, don't hesitate to get married. Mary's pregnancy is Spirit-conceived. God's Holy Spirit has made her pregnant."
Matthew 1:20-21 (MsgB)

The same Spirit lives within us as believers that caused the Virgin Mary to conceive. Surely the Spirit can birth within our hearts the passion to keep Jesus in our family Christmas celebration. If we don’t keep Jesus at the center of Christmas, how can we expect our culture to? What can you do differently to put Jesus back at the focus of your Christmas celebration? You’ve got eleven months to let the Spirit conceive something in your heart to bring to birth next Christmas that will keep Jesus as your focal point. Will you let Him?

Take a moment and share a family tradition that you and your family observe to help you keep Christ at the center of your Christmas celebration. Post your ideas by leaving a comment.


Anonymous said...

We annually host a brunch for our family. We enjoy the special food and then gather for the "opening". first we open the scriptures of the Christmas truth, it isn't a story. Then, we open our presents.

Anonymous said...

Still Christmastime, huh Daddy?

We always read the Christmas story. Mikey even wanted to read it from John 1 :)

Your TaDah Loves You!