It’s that time of year once again. Sports fanatics are anticipating the day; they are watching each playoff game hoping for their favorite team to win. Alas, but now only four teams now remain. Who will be the next Super Bowl champions?
Does it really matter? Isn’t the game just the break between the commercials? It’s amazing but true; I’m among the many people who just tune in to see what the advertisers have come up with this year. The game is just icing on the cake (we have even rewound the commercials to see them a second time).
What I find interesting about the Super Bowl commercials is how often the message changes to sell the same old stuff. Nothing is new about the product being sold; the only thing that has changed is what is said, sung or done to try to convince you to buy what they happen to be selling. Last year a 30 second spot cost $2.5 million! At that price the commercial better be good or you will have wasted a lot of money.
It’s not just advertisers who change their message. In our politically correct society politicians and the media try to put a different spin on the issues of the day. You might think you agree with someone only to discover that they mean something entirely different because of how they define their words. Who will ever forget President Clinton’s infamous answer to a question, “It all depends upon what ‘is’ is.”
While our society is continually changing what they say, I’m struck by the reality that the message of the gospel has not changed. God’s message is timeless because it is absolute.
[1] In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea [2] and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near" . . . [4:17] From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
Matthew 3:1-2, 4:17 (NIV)
Jesus didn’t try to package God’s message with fancy words or a new catchy slogan. Jesus’ message was the same as John’s, and theirs is the same message we offer today. In a word God is still calling people to REPENT; change the direction of your life, to stop living for yourself and let God come to your rescue.
God has an unchangeable message; if it’s not broke then don’t fix it.
My Daddy -
I love you tons :) I'm glad we're not fanatics for an unchanging and wavering message!
your TaDuh.
In my Bible Study yesterday we were studying the names of God, specifially "ELOHIM". In English we read the word "God" (with a capital G), meaning our one true God, but the actual translation is EL=MIGHTIY and HIM=PLURAL, MORE THAN ONE. So the translation of ELOHIM would actually be "Gods" (plural). Given that, Gen 1:1 would read to us "In the beginning, Gods created the heavens and earth...". However, we all know that there is only one true God, so how can ELOHIM tranlate to a plural form for God. We know that is because of the Trinity...God is one in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the awesome thing with God is He does not contridict Himself using ELOHIM to mean "God", and this is proven in that every time the word ELOHIM appears in scripture, it is followed by a SINGULAR VERB!!! God is three persons (ELOHIM)but God's actions (the verb) is always SINGULAR...the Trinity acts as one....they are always in agreement. And each part of the Trinity had a part in creation "Let US create him in OUR image...), so therefore the "Gods" did create!! I found that a perfect example to show a scholar that scripture does not and can not contradict itself!! The message is the same and it never changes!!
Love you,
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