Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Whisper of God -
Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead.
(Acts 14:19 NIV)

Observation -
Paul and Barnabas had preached in Iconium but the city was divided. Some believed (both Jew and Greek) but there were some among the Jews that began to stir up trouble. Things became so heated that the two missionaries left the city before they were stoned.
In Lystra a man born lame was miraculously healed as Paul spoke. This got everyone's attention, but unfortunately they thought their gods had visited them in human form. They though Barnabas was Zeus and Paul was Hermes. The crowd wanted to offer sacrifices, and Paul and Barnabas had great difficulty convincing them they were ordinary men like them.
That's when a group of the Jews from Antioch and Iconium showed up. They further stirred up the crowd so that they took Paul and stoned him.
The mob actually thought he was dead and dragged him out of the city. A group of believers gathered around Paul who revived himself and they all went back into the city. The next day they left for Derbe.

Real Life Application -
I must not try anything in my own strength lest I give way to fear; instead I must rely fully upon the power of God's Spirit in everything.

Day's Prayer - 
Human energy produced human results, but with the power of God's Spirit anything is possible! I thank you Lord that you have filled me with your Spirit. Help me to daily depend upon you for wisdom and strength. Only then will great things happen in and through me.

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