Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Imagine you go to work today and tell your boss, “Hey I’ve got a great idea how I can do my job better.” You explain your idea to the boss, but then he shakes his head and tells you that what you have suggested has been tried before and is not acceptable. You are to do your job as you have been trained. Now if you are like me you may have heard what your boss said, but not really listened. You return to your work and decide that you can do the work better your way. After all, what does your boss know anyway sitting up there in his office? You are the one down where all the work is done. Isn’t getting the job done what is really important?

I can imagine several possible scenarios of how things might end up at work when you and I decide to do the job our way and ignore our boss’ instructions. We might be satisfied with our efforts; the work is easier our way. Over time we might even save the company some money by cutting some corners. Until . . . well you can fill in the blanks. The end of the story can’t be good. All of our work was unacceptable.

  • 28 Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?"
    29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
    John 6:28-29 NIV

It sounds too easy doesn’t it? The work that pleases God is to believe in Jesus. In a word, ours is a work of faith. Is it any wonder that without faith it is impossible to please God? (See Hebrews 11:6)

We are saved by grace, through the work of faith and not good works. Yet how often do we try to earn our salvation? We strive to satisfy God through the things we do rather than with simple childlike faith. In the same way an acorn holds within it a mighty forest, so too our faith holds all the works that are acceptable to God. (See Ephesians 2:8-10)

Faith acknowledges God and depends upon Him. The man who trusts in his good works seeks salvation independently of God. Only through the work of faith do we submit to God and the work Christ has done for us. Therefore the work of faith gives honor and glory to Jesus as it is only through Him that we are saved. This is God’s way, not man’s. Let’s commit to doing the work that God requires—a work of faith. What do you think?

1 comment:

glenagahl said...

Not much to comment on with this one, except to say...I can ALWAYS feel more confident putting my faith in the Lord than in man . Man always let you down sooner or later...the Lord is as solid as a diamond!