Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Apparently for Mrs. Clinton it’s hard to take a stand in presidential politics. In the October 31 Democratic debate she tried to be on both sides of the same issue. Should illegal immigrants be given a driver’s license? She had claimed that it makes sense for the New York governor to want to do this, but when asked about it in the debate claimed not to be in favor of such a plan. Then within two minutes as the debate continued she said, “It makes a lot of sense.” I’m confused. Does it make sense or doesn’t it. You can’t have it both ways.

Mrs. Clinton and countless other presidential candidates are no the first to try to straddle the fence. People have been playing this game for a long, long time.

  • 5 I'll get rid of the people who sneak up to their rooftops at night to worship the star gods and goddesses; also those who continue to worship God but cover their bases by worshiping other king-gods as well; 6 Not to mention those who've dumped God altogether, no longer giving him a thought or offering a prayer.
    Zephaniah 1:5-6 (MsgB)

The Lord called Zephaniah to speak against those who were trying to straddle the fence of faith. Many God fearing Jews were secretly worshiping other so called gods. The idolater who wholeheartedly worshipped a false god committed one less sin than those who divided their hearts publicly worshiping Jehovah God and then bowed to worship other gods.

James says that the double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and should not think that he would receive anything from God. The sin of idolatry mixed with the sin of betrayal—a loving embrace that is a stab in the back because loyalty is divided. We so easily doubt God’s provision when we have also bowed to worship at the altar of materialism. How can we have a vibrant faith in God when we also give ourselves to the so called gods of pleasure or entertainment?

God will judge those who try to stand on both sides of the fence. We must choose who or what we will have as our god. Will we make Jesus our God? Or will we give our hearts to the gods of this age? Jesus Christ must be all or nothing.

Ask the Lord to examine your heart today. Have you given yourself wholeheartedly to the Lord, or is your heart divided? I’m glad Jesus is willing to forgive even those who have straddled the fence. What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great to have you back! you were missed! Satan bombards our senses with every possible means. The outside world intrudes in our lives trying to obliterate our spiritual life with our Father God.The noise, the news, the media, the blarring of the music and lights the imagry we are exposed all of these brutalize our senses and override our ability for the quite we need to hear the Lord's gentlemanly voice guideing our lives and speaking to our heart...and the Holy Spirit, can barely compete with the bombardment we receive to our senses. We need to extracate ourselves from the entrapment of the world and find communion with the Father and where the Holy Spirit can speak to us and we can hear....and then other potential "gods" do not stand a chance. Blessings...