You and I have received an even greater blessing. Ours is a blessing not limited only to our Christmas celebrations, but blessings which fill each and every moment of our lives.
- From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.
John 1:16 NIV
The grace of God comes not from a limited supply that may be proven inadequate. No! We are recipients of the “fullness of His grace.” God’s grace overflows in our lives through Christ Jesus. So much so that His is not a single blessing, but it is blessing upon blessing upon blessing without end.
Can our finite minds even begin to grasp the infinite supply of His grace that He has poured so freely into our lives? Ponder for a moment the grace we have been given. Out of His fullness:
a we have is mercy and forgiveness;
a we are adopted as His children;
a we are sanctified—empowered to live a holy life;
a we have His peace and comfort;
a we have faith to move mountains;
a we have the knowledge of truth;
a we have His Spirit living within us;
a we have His unlimited provision;
a we have . . . MORE!
All of these blessing are ours to receive out of the fullness of His grace! Scrooge’s encounter with these Christmas ghosts transforms his life. No longer an old miser unwilling to share even a kind word with others, Scrooge now overflowed with generosity and cheer. The blessings of Christmas were his all through the year.
We too have been changed by the blessings of Christmas and more. The fullness of His grace is ours today. What do you think?
So true,
When I have little I have much
because as you pointed out not a single one of the blessings you listed that He poured out is related to material things.
That's why I can truly say,
I believe that the ONE blessing that people overlook the most, is that we EVEN HAVE A God THAT LOVES US! We could have been created by a God that the Vikings worshiped one that threw lightening bolts at us all the time! The Character of our GOD did not HAVE to be that which it is NOR did HE HAVE to choose to save us from our state of sin. He could have chosen to wash His hand of our filth and begin again...instead, He sacrificed Himself to save us....Our biggest blessing is that we EVEN HAVE the Father we do have.
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