Thursday, September 06, 2007


There was no escape from “The Rock.” Throughout the 29 year operation of the federal prison on Alcatraz Island no prisoners were reported as ever successfully escaping. Thirty-four prisoners were involved in 14 attempts; seven were killed by guards, two drowned, five were unaccounted for (their bodies most likely carried out to sea), the rest were captured.

We have all been imprisoned in a penitentiary with an even better record than Alcatraz. For over 6,000 years no one has ever escaped—period. Everyone born into the human race except One has been locked up in the prison of sin with no way of escape. The law serves as our warden and guard. No one can break free from the long arm of the law.

None escape, but many have been set free. You too can be released from this prison, not by a pardon for good behavior, good works or anything else that you might do for yourself. You can have a complete pardon through faith in the One, Jesus Christ.

  • Before the way of faith in Christ was available to us, we were placed under guard by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until the way of faith was revealed.
    Galatians 3:23 NLT

Deliverance from the prison of sin is not possible by having faith in yourself. Faith in a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam, or any other so called ‘holy man’ has no power to set you free. It’s not good enough to have faith in religion. Freedom comes only to those whose faith is in Jesus Christ.

When you put your faith in Jesus your freedom is complete. You are no longer a slave; now you are a Child of God. You were dead in sin, but through faith in Jesus you are now alive! You were blind but now you can see. You were naked and covered by the filth of the world, but now you are clothed in His righteousness. By faith in Christ you are no longer under the power of the law but are under grace.

Our freedom from the prison of sin through faith is not the result of a plea bargain. No secret deals were made to gain our release. Our freedom is the result of a promise. By God’s Word and by an act of His sovereign will we can be set free through faith in Christ. It is the free gift of God.

Freedom through faith, a lot better deal than trying to escape from the prison of sin. What do you think?

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