Thursday, July 26, 2007


We recently brought a new baby into our family . . . a baby Dachshund that is. Oscar is as cute as ever and of course wants to bite everything. This includes Lucy our twelve year old Dachshund. Lucy has been her good natured self and plays along with Oscar from time to time, but with a stern bark Lucy will also let the puppy know when to quit nipping at her heals.

I happened to think, what if Lucy were still like Oscar? What if she were a ball of none stop energy, chewing everything, getting under foot, leaving puppy surprises everywhere (only bigger), cried all night and woke me up early each morning? Lucy would have been in the dog house years ago! You accept puppy behavior from a puppy.

Like Lucy’s bark at Oscar, Paul had to direct some stern words to the Corinthian church.

  • Brothers and sisters, I couldn't talk to you as spiritual people but as people still influenced by your corrupt nature. You were infants in your faith in Christ.
    1 Corinthians 3:1 (GW)

The believers in Corinth were still acting like babies. They were immature in their faith and not fully developed spiritually. Paul said they were still influenced by their “corrupt nature.” The word Paul used was “sarkikos” an adjective form of the Greek word for flesh. Literally Paul was telling the Corinthians that they were still motivated by carnal or fleshly desires. In other words they were still self-centered.

Paul pointed out one of their “baby messes.” He said they were jealous and quarrelling with each other (see verse 3). This was not the kind of behavior you expect from those who have grown up. Enough was enough. It was time for them to begin to act like the people that they were. As believers they were “God’s temple” and the Holy Spirit lived in them (see verse 16). It was time to stop living for their own desires and start letting God’s desires be what motivated them.

Do you know anyone who still only thinks of themselves? How much influence do our desires have in our day to day lives? Have we made God’s desires our desires? Are we still acting like infants in our faith? It’s one thing to baby babies, but its time that some Christians grew up. Let’s go look in the mirror. Are you or I one of them that needs to stop being so self-centered living only for our fleshly desires? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Do you know anyone who still only thinks of themselves? - - Well how about church hoppers? Music not right - Someone stepped on my toes they frowned! The pastor's not friendly (God forbid I let him get close enough to be friendly, etc. etc. poor excuse after poor excuse. But I am going to go where I am appreciated!!!!

Or how about those who rationalize so they can continue to pursue bad habits?

That's all now

Love you.


Anonymous said...

without taking time to praise the Lord for all the good and marvelous things He gives us....and the problems He stands with us through...our eyes are not focused on the Lord they are focused on us, just us, and we can only see all the bad stuff happening to US, and with US, and we discount the role in which the Lord, the SIGNIFICANT role the Lord plays in our daily lives. To voice praise reminds us, we are not alone, we did not do it all alone, nor do we endure it all alone.....Our Heavenly Father Has been there and done that, many times over....and we need to praise Him always for that....and praise Him for His marvelous generosity, and XXXL BIG MAN shoulder to cry lean on.