“I sometimes wonder if the disciples EVER REALLY got it that Jesus was God incarnate. It would be hard for their basic fisherman mentality to grasp this concept, when they are living, eating, sleeping and traveling with Jesus.”
You know what; I think it’s true. Even though Jesus did everything humanly possible to help them understand, I don’t think they began to get it until after the resurrection. Perhaps I should say “divinely possible;” take a look at this.
- [1] And he said to them, "I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power."
[2] After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. [3] His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them . . . [7] Then a cloud came over them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my beloved Son. Listen to him."
Mark 9:1-3, 7 (NIV)
Peter, James and John saw Jesus in all the glory of heaven on the mount of transfiguration as Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah. They heard the voice of the Father God say, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him,” but they just didn’t get it.
On the way down the mountain Jesus told these three disciples not to tell anyone about what they had just happened until after he had risen from the dead. God had just told them to listen to Jesus, but they didn’t really hear what God had said. They kept the matter to themselves, but secretly talked among themselves as to what it meant to rise from the dead.
God had also just told them that Jesus was His beloved Son; would anything be too hard for God? They had been witnesses when Jesus had miraculously raised others from the dead. Jesus had told the disciples that he would suffer and die. Couldn’t they just take Jesus at his word and believe that he really would die and then be raised back to life? Jesus was too human and their expectations of a victorious Messiah were just too big for them to even imagine that Jesus would have to really die. Yet that’s exactly what Jesus did, and He rose from the dead just like He said.
Now how will we respond the next time the Lord speaks to our hearts about something? Will we be quick to respond in faith and obedience? Or will we be like the disciples and wonder if it was really God who spoke to us. We have our own struggles taking Jesus at His word too. What do you think?
1 comment:
Pastor...I tried unsuccessfully about 50 times before to post a blog to you, and it wouldn't go, if it did, and I just didn't see it, I am sorry, for sending it so many times! I will try again...in case it didn't
Is it okay, to question what you think you are doing as complete obedience to God's will. Such as and I gave the example, as say, someone wanting to become a missionary. We become so caught up in our humaness wanting to please God, that it may not be His will at all, but ours. So, what we interpret as a sign from God that we should do such and such, shouldn't we ask for confirmation before we blindly accept and react to what we think is God directing us to do something or react someway?
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