Eye Opening – 62nd Ohio District Council
I’ve spent the last few days in Columbus for District Council. It has been a great time just being in the Lord’s presence and renewing friendships with other pastors from across the state. I thought I would share with you a few of my personal ‘take-a-ways’ from the last 60 hours or so.
Dr. Byron Klaus shared Monday night how God is able to pull together all the diverse experiences of our lives to accomplish His purpose in our lives. In much the same way a childe will connect the dots in a picture book to draw a picture, God sees the picture that He is making of our lives and is working to complete it. We don’t always see the picture God is drawing, for that matter we don’t even see how God has connected some of the dots! However you can rest assured that God knows what He is doing. Wherever you are today is right where God wants you as He continues to work in and through your life to connect the dots.
Business sessions began Tuesday. After about 4 hours we were preparing to adjourn for the afternoon. Pastor Doug Clay (our district superintendent) called for a time of prayer around the altar. I responded to this invitation for prayer and the Lord met me there. I wept as the Lord lifted the load I was carrying. A dear missionary friend began to pray with me; prompted of the Lord he said, “You are not alone.” These words were so healing to my spirit. I not only have others who will stand with me, but more importantly God is with me.
Pastor Doug preached the ordination service and shared about the importance of the anointing within our lives. He shared that among other things the anointing brings: transformation, connection, intuition, and protection. We were taking lessons from the life of Saul who unfortunately did not continue to live under the anointing of God. Here’s the bottom line: The anointing will take us where we could never go without it; character and integrity will keep us there.
Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost; that was (and still is) His mission. As a pastor do I want to just manage a religious enterprise or do I want to participate in the mission of Jesus? As an individual you could ask yourself if you just want to be a faithful member of the church or a missional partner with Jesus. Are we willing to let step out of our comfort zone within our churches and begin to reach out to people around us who need Jesus?
Pastor Doug had taken some walks on a golf course and rescued golf balls from the lake; he had found hundreds of them. These golf balls were all used. Some were stained; others had nicks and scratches. But having been pulled from the water they were all cleaned up and ready to be used again for their designed purpose. Can we see that the people around us are like those golf balls? Some are literally drowning in the circumstances of life; they are dirty and scuffed up. Yet God wants to rescue them, clean them up and empower them to fulfill the purpose He designed them for. Will we reach one more for Jesus?
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