Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Just a Man

Like so many young men Greg is into being physically fit. For his birthday he got a weight set, and he has been working out regularly. I remember going through the same thing at his age. Yet I’ve notice over time that even the strongest men grow old and weak; I mean have you looked at ‘Mr. Universe’ now Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger lately? What happened to all his muscle?

I don’t dispute that we should try to be healthy and keep our bodies in good shape. However, of greater importance is that we be spiritually fit, that our faith not only grows strong, but remains strong throughout our lives. The problem most of us have is that we think such faith is impossible to have.

  • [17] Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. [18] Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.
    James 5:17-18 (NIV)

I’ll be honest I sometimes have a hard time thinking of Elijah as “a man just like us.” I mean think about some of the things Elijah did for God! He was one of the best known prophets in all Israel. And Elijah at times was seems invincible as he would stand before kings and proclaim God’s word, and Elijah didn’t bring a message of encouragement or comfort; Elijah confronted them with God’s judgment for their sin.

But it wasn’t just the word he spoke; the power of God was evident because things happened as a result of what Elijah said. God revealed to Elijah that it wouldn’t rain and it didn’t until Elijah spoke the word to open the skies again three years later. Elijah was given power over death as he restored a young child’s life and gave him back to his mother. And who can forget the showdown on Mount Carmel with the prophets of Baal? With a short prayer Elijah called fire from heaven! Then years later Elijah is seen standing together with Moses at Jesus’ side on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Still Elijah was only a man. Like us he struggled at times to trust God and even became depressed (that I can identify with). But Elijah began where we all must begin. As a man Elijah had to choose to believe God had created him, and more that this same God wanted a relationship with him. As a man Elijah learned to listen to the voice of the Lord and in faith obey. The incredible reality God wants to make Himself known to us.

We all come to know God by faith, but God will continually work to strengthen our faith like a muscle through consistent use and testing. As a man Elijah’s faith grew strong in the Lord and was able to do the impossible. Our faith can likewise grow strong and withstand every trial taking us from victory to victory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But hopefully, unlike physical muscle which atrophies with age, our "faith muscles" will grow stronger and increase in density with the passing years and the wisdom that only time in faith gives us. We, hopefully will all be Arnold Schwartznaggers (or however you spell it) of faith!!!
Great Pondering Pastor!!! Sandy