Monday, March 12, 2007


Ambition, it’s what gives you a reason to get up in the morning and keeps you going through difficult times. Would people describe you as ambitious, or are you apathetic and negative, or worse a quitter?

For some people their ambition actually gets in the way of being a person others respect. These people may succeed in achieving their goals and making it to the top, but they have used people as their ladder to success. Their ambition is only self-centered and leaves behind a lot of hurt and disappointment for those who got in their way.

As Christians what should be our primary objective when it comes to work? What should be our motivation to get-up-and-go each day?

  • [11] This should be your ambition: to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we commanded you before. [12] As a result, people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others to meet your financial needs.
    1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 (NLT)

If we are going to be truly successful we need to apply this to how we approach our jobs and the people we work with. Follow these three simple rules.

  1. Live a quiet life. Don’t be argumentative or defensive. Remember you are not always right. Speak kindly and listen to others without interrupting.
  2. Mind your own business. This isn’t to say you ignore people and become a loner. Learn to focus on your job and don’t meddle or stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. Don’t listen to gossip, and you won’t spread it.
  3. Work with your hands. Do your job. Put in an honest days work and do your very best.

What are the rewards of making this your ambition and following these guidelines? First, other people will respect you; even those who aren’t Christians will not have anything bad to say about you. In turn this will make your witness effective because you won’t become a stumbling block as a Christian with a bad attitude. Second, your needs will be met; you won’t have to beg others for help or feel like you’ve missed out.

So what will you make your ambition?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor G...I hope this isn't a repeat message it said it didn't take my last message. So, here goes. I love what you said about the guidelines of ambition and work and life. But, I seriously doubt, it stops people from spreading gossip or false stories about you even if you lead a quiet hard working life minding your own business, people even made up stories about our Lord. We just need to live our life for Jesus's approval and let the "splash" hit the others and thats it. sand