It’s the morning after and I have awakened to see that what I feared has come upon us all. The Democrats have taken control of the House; the Senate is still up for grabs with two races too close. In Ohio we have a Democrat as governor. My list of woes could go on and on.
My purpose is not to talk politics. Whether you are like me this morning and disappointed with the election results, if you are happy with the change in government, or even if you just don’t care I have a thought for you to consider.
While the media and political pundits spin the results and offer their explanation as to why conservatives either stayed home or expressed their anger with the Republicans, I’ve settled upon one truth that endures regardless of who is in control of our government.
As I drove the kids to school I heard the following song on the radio. It filled my heart with overflowing hope.
You are my supply my breath of life
Still more awesome than I know
You are my reward worth living for
Still more awesome than I know
All of you is more than enough for
All of me for every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with your love
And all I have in you is more than enough.
(written by Chris Tomlin)
As Americans we get the government we deserve; we chose it. Yet regardless of what may happen to the economy, which judges may or may not be confirmed, how the war against terror is fought (or surrendered), or hundreds of other issues that effect our lives, one thing remains the same. God is more than enough!
David wrote another song that assures us that God is remains in control over all. John tells us that it is a song that will be shouted in victory when all is said and done. God reigns!
God reigns over the nations;
God is seated on his holy throne.
Psalm 47:8 (NIV)
Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:
"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
Revelation 19:6 (NIV)
I can face tomorrow, and the next two years with government leaders I did not choose with the same confidence knowing that God reigns. The Lord reigns over the nations, and more importantly I have voted for Jesus to rule over my life today and always!
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