Thursday, October 12, 2006


I had forgotten what it was like to be afraid of the dark. Why is it that when the dark of night falls familiar things become creepy and strange, especially for a child?

Our kids have long since out grown the need to have a night light. With five year old Jake living with us, I suddenly remember what it’s like to be afraid of the dark. The first night he was here with us, we said our prayers and I tucked him into bed. As I reached to turn the light off in the room Jake said, “Will you leave the hall light on, Uncle Greg?” So now each night we turn on a nightlight to help Jake be secure through the dark night. Thankfully Jake sleeps soundly through the night and wakes each morning to a bright new day and a smile on his face.

Paul wrote to the Thessalonians about a bright new Day that is coming for all who believe in Jesus. Yet as we wait for that Day, we sometimes find ourselves feeling as though we are walking in the dark. The shadows grow long, and our heart is sometimes overcome with doubt and fear. That’s why Paul wanted to reassure the Thessalonians, and us, that the Day of Christ’s return is truly coming.

But friends, you're not in the dark, so how could you be taken off guard by any of this? You're sons of Light, daughters of Day. We live under wide open skies and know where we stand.
1 Thessalonians 5:4-5 (MsgB)

It does my heart good to know that we live under “wide open skies.” We don’t need to be afraid of the dark because we know we stand under the grace and love our savior Jesus Christ. God gives us confidence to stand—even when the day grows dark.

Living in northeast Ohio, I know what it’s like to live under gray skies. I’ve often said, “If you don’t like the weather, stick around it will change soon.” While our world may seem to be growing darker day by day, things going from bad to worse, it’s good to know that we live under God’s “wide open skies.”

Jesus has given us His Holy Spirit as a guarantee of the promises that are to come (see 2 Corinthians 1:22). The Holy Spirit is like our little nightlight that keeps us safe and secure through a dark night. I’m glad that I can have confidence that a bright new Day is dawning; Jesus is the coming soon!

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